Forum Discussion

MikeJ97205's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

BEW 2010 Install Error 1308

I am trying to upgrade from BEW 11d to BEW2010 and raninto a problem during the install.  It iwent through all of the Products OK until it got to Symantec Backup Exec. When it said moving files it dis...
  • MikeJ97205's avatar
    14 years ago
    Well, I found out what the problem was. It seems Symantec's give you to option to install in a different location than the default, which is what I wanted. I wanted to install it on a different drive because my C: drive is getting lower on disk space than I like to see.  So when it asked where I wanted to install it, I gave it the exact same path but on my E: drive rather than C: drive.  As part of the install, the program moved the files to it from the C: drive.  Then it went to move them again, but of course they no longer existed on the C: drive in the default directory any more, so it gave the error message.   When I aborted, it put everthing back where it was. 

    I didn't see the files during the install because they had already been moved. When I was looking for the log file, I looked in the default directory and saw the files that it couldn't find during the install. After thinking about it for a minute I figured that was what was happening so I ran another install but this time just took the default path. Sure enough, it installed ocmpletely this time with no errors.

    So I guess if I did a clean install, I could install to a different location, but you can't change your location for an upgrade.  I would still rather have installed to my other drive, which has a lot of space on it, but I guess I'll worry about moving it later. At least now, if anyone runs into a 1308 error, there is some information about it. ;)

