Forum Discussion

grod031869's avatar
Level 2
7 years ago

Lost a Storage Unit

I am looking for some help in trying to re-add a storage unit after an error in an ESXi upgrade caused complete loss of the STU.  A short history of the issue:  VM team needed to upgrade the ESXi host that was hosting our media servers.  The media servers each have a PureDisk storage unit attached.  The media servers were turned off prior to the upgrade and during that upgrade, a mistake was made and the storage unit was reformatted.  Once the server came back online it was obvious the drive was no longer available.  I expired all the images from the catelog and then ran nbdelete to remove the deleted fragments.  I was then able to remove the STU, DP and Storage server from NB.  After removing the heirarchy of the failed STU, I restarted the NB services on both the Master and Media server.  The storage server was added back without any issues, however when trying to create a Disk Pool there are no volumes found.  I have verified the drive is attached, and read/writeable.  I am assuming there is still an entry somewhere that still thinks this media server already has a PureDisk STU attached.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Thanks for the info.  I think I figured out my issue.  I was trying to configure as a PureDisk storage server as opposed to MSDP.  When configuring as an MSDP server, the volume was found and was configurable.

    Thanks again for the help.

4 Replies

  • Your steps seem fine and NBU should therefore no longer have any record of the previous diskpool.

    Can you confirm that the media server sees the drive as locally attached and the volume totally empty?

    Have you created a subfolder that can be configured as dedupe volume?

    • grod031869's avatar
      Level 2

      When logged directly in the media server, I can see the drive and had created a folder that is meant to be configured as the dedup volume.  I have also verified that I am able to read/write to this folder as well.  Is there a command set that I can use to verify that NB is seeing the drive?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        The main requirement is that the volume must be local (not network drive) and mounted as a drive letter.

        See this section in NBU Dedupe Guide (taken from 7.7 manual): 

        Because the storage requires a directory path, do not use only the root node (/) or drive
        letter (G:\) as the storage path. (That is, do not mount the storage as a root node (/) or a
        drive letter (G:\).
        You can use the following characters in the storage path name:
        ■ Any of the 26 letters of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Latin-script
        alphabet, both uppercase (capital) letters and lowercase (small) letters. These are the
        same letters as the English alphabet.
        ■ Any integer from 0 to 9, inclusive.
        ■ A space character.
        ■ Any of the following characters:
        UNIX: _-:./\
        Windows: _-:.\ (a colon (:) is allowed only after a drive letter (for example,
        NetBackup requirements for the deduplication storage paths may affect how you expose
        the storage.
        See “About MSDP storage and connectivity requirements” on page 40.