Forum Discussion

Kayser's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Manual duplication to tape...

Hi, people. I´m duplicating some images from disk to tape. There are some tapes with media status Active, in the pool. This tapes has free space, but the Netbackup is taking new tapes from the scratch pool. Are there a configuration to force the duplication to get the used tapes first?? Thanks.
  • I would NEVER recommend 'Allow Multiple Retentions'.
    It may look like a good idea when you don't have enough tapes, but sooner or later the tapes are going to fill up.
    Now you need to wait for images on tape to expire before you can reuse them. ALL images must first expire. Short and long retentions.
    Rather keep the default - do not mix retentions.
  • Hello,


    Yes agree, The allow multiple retention on media is use when you cannot add more tapes in your environment.

    Most of the customers create Yearly, Weekly and Monthly volume pools. It helps to manage the tapes.

    Suppose you have infinity and monthly images on that tape. The tape will not get expire till the infinity retention image not get expire. Before make changes please go through the admin guide for more information about effects.

    Or you can create one volume pool for duplication and add new tape in that. It will help you to manage the media and duplicate images.


    Thanks & Regards

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6

      Cannot be too much of an issue as Kayser has not replied since posting 2 days ago...

      • Kayser's avatar
        Level 3
        Good morning...
        Thanks to everybody. I could not work on thie weekend 'cause my remote access from my house was not so good... Working like a turtle... I'm going to The office and will work on it...
        Very thanks.
  • What is the retention level of Active tapes?
    And retention level of images being duplicated?
    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6
      I would NEVER recommend 'Allow Multiple Retentions'.
      It may look like a good idea when you don't have enough tapes, but sooner or later the tapes are going to fill up.
      Now you need to wait for images on tape to expire before you can reuse them. ALL images must first expire. Short and long retentions.
      Rather keep the default - do not mix retentions.