Master Server High Availability using Infoscale
Hi Tech Guys,
Customer are planning to implement a Backup infrastructure using Netbackup with Infoscale HA
They want to achieve a Master Server with HA.
2 Master Servers in Prod and 1 Master in DR.
All Master HW is BYO, Media is NBU appliance.
Would like to ask below:
1. What need to setup(install) first? Infoscale or Netbackup
2.What is the difference between the VCS and Infoscale?
They also want to install the Opscenter to monitor all master servers.
Thank you :)
So, a clustered master in prod, and a standalone master in DR.
1) configure the Infoscale cluster first, then follow NetBackup cluster installation guide
2) Infoscale is rebranded VCS - they are the same thing, just a version upgrade
3) do *not* install OpsCenter on Master Server, bad things will happen - instead install OpsCenter elsewhere (a VM can be good choice - but it can be resource hungry if you follow official guidelines), and then you register each master server with OpsCenter
- Please download and read through NBU Clustered master server guide.
Links to manuals in Handy NBU links in my signature.
Also note that you can only install clustered master server in new environment.