My FS Bakup is failing with 25
Master Server 6.5.6 (Unix)
Media Server : 6.5.6 (Windows 2008)
Client :6.5.6 (Windows 2008)
Below is the error <16> write_backup: cannot add fragment to image database, error = cannot connect on socket
I have attached the client logs too...
Telnet/ping working good.....But when i go to client Host Properties getting error...Snapshot attached....Also bounced Media Server Services and Client ....
Any help will be appreciated.....
I agree with Revaroo..
we can not simply say it not a network problem, and even we can not confirm its a network issue...
we have to look in deep before we come to one consulision..
Does H drive have the SQL database files?
did you keep the proper exclude list for not to backup SQL DB files directly...?
Try to increase Client read time out and Client connect time out on media servers and check...
and also check how many hops its taking while communicating from Client to media server (long route also can cause this issue)
I understand who is your client, anything is possible with your client, we need to look in 360 degrees view to get this issue fixed..
Good luck.. let me know if you have any questions...