Forum Discussion

NBU35's avatar
Level 6
5 years ago

MYSQL backups

Master & Media - NBU 5240 Appluiance 3.1.2

Client - Windows 2019 standard, NBU 8.1.2, MYSQL 5.7.29

I am trying to configure MYSQL backups using MYSQL agent. Just curious to know if there is any script (like Linux) which we can use to schedule backups from Netbackup?

If no, then how can we schedule backups automatically?


6 Replies

  • Put below into a bat file and call it from the policy.

    set CMD_LINE="C:\Program Files\Veritas\NBMySQLAgent\nbmysql" -o backup
    echo %CMD_LINE%


    if errorlevel 1 goto errormsg
    echo BRBACKUP successful
    if "%STATUS_FILE%" == "" goto end
    if exist "%STATUS_FILE%" echo 0 > "%STATUS_FILE%"
    goto end

    echo Execution of BRBACKUP command failed - exiting
    if "%STATUS_FILE%" == "" goto end
    if exist "%STATUS_FILE%" echo 1 > "%STATUS_FILE%"


    • NBU35's avatar
      Level 6

      do I have to change any parameter in this script ?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        Did you see these lines in the TN? 

        Please note that this script is provided as is and is a sample script only. The script is not supported by Veritas technical support.
        It is the responsibility of the customer to modify the script to take into account specific requirements and variables in his/her environment.

        bhdrkzltn posted a Windows script.
        Work with your MySQL dba to modify the script (like you would do with a MS-SQL or Oracle script-based backup).