Forum Discussion

cbernet's avatar
Level 2
7 years ago

NB_LAST_BACKUP-Filed in vSphere Web Plugin

Hi Experts,

I've got an issue during the export of the vSphere inventory. The Field "NB_LAST_BACKUP" contains a number of special characters including commas, hyphens and even "carriage return". This makes the .csv-Export unusable for further processing.

Is it possible to restrict or influence the content of the "NB_LAST_BACKUP" Field in order to avoid all special characters?

Any input is highly appreciated!

Thanks and Regards

3 Replies

  • Have you tried to use a powerCLI script to pull the data? I've written one that I run weekly without any issues. Pretty simple and with the use of regex, you can actually make the NBU_LAST_BACKUP information usable and able to be sorted properly.





    • cbernet's avatar
      Level 2


      many thanks for the answers!

      No, we haven't used PowerShell. But we've managed to suppress any input in the Field, editing:

      Policy / VMware / Advanced / Post vCenter events -> No events

      So far no new entries have popped up in NB_LAST_BACKUP after that.

      Our VWware Engineer has now the ambition to suppress custom attributes at all. He is going to cut off the rights of the backup user to achieve this. Has anybody made any experience with that? Will that provide issues to the success of the backups if the user won't have the right to create Custom Attributes?

      Thanks and Regards


  • I wish the field was more usable.  While it's nice visually there is almost nothing else I use it for.  You can't even [usefully] sort on it; the first field is the day of the week.

    For those who dont use it the format is, for example:

    Tue Sep 05 12:51:23 2017-0500,master_server_name,policy_name