NBU with DD boost over FC
I'm currently doing some test for a project that the client is going to use NBU with data domain boost. We tried and sucess to backup data to DD boost through NBU, however, I can't establish the connection between NBU server and DD. Even the NBU server is visable to DD, NBU server wouldn't be able to mount the DD and see it on the device manager.
Have search the NBU compatibilty matrix on http://www.symantec.com/business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH59978 but I couldn't found the compatility of NBU and DDOS.
1) Can someone share the experience of using DDBoost over FC with NBU?
2) We are suspecting this is the compatability issue between NBU and DDOS, would that be a case?
We are currently testing on Win server 2008 R2 with NBU 7.6.1 and DDOS
We are using Netbackup BOOST via both IP and SAN. Works really good
You don't see a data domain on the device manager usig IP. BOOST plugin does that begindes the scenes. Using Boost via SAN you are seeing DCF devices, but still no "e:\" type drive.
Have you followed the installation outlined in EMC integration manual ?
Symantec does not list DDOS, just the OST plug-in, as this is the component installed on the media server that communicates with DD.
OST plug-in must be obtained from EMC web site or your EMC reseller.Not sure what you mean by 'able to mount' and 'see it on the device manager'.
Do you have NBU Capacity or Data Protection Optimization license? This is needed to configure DD in OST mode.
The OST installation steps and subsequent configuration is explained in the EMC documents:
Data Domain Boost for OpenStorage xx Administration Guide (the one I have is for version 2.3).
You should be able to get that too from EMC web site or your reseller.The next doc to download is this White Paper:
EMC Data Domain Boost for Symantec NetBackup OpenStorage Best Practices Planning
http://southafrica.emc.com/collateral/software/white-papers/h7296-data-domain-boost-openstorage-wp.pdfGeneric NBU OST manual: NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk
Follow steps here to add Storage Server, followed by disk pool(s) and Storage Units.
(Also in the DD for OST Admin Guide.)