Forum Discussion

BobF's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

NDMP Backup not clearing archive bit

Hi all,


I am doing full backups of multiple cifs via NDMP. The backup works perfectly fine and if i go into the restore tab all the files are there. I have double checked the policy and it has a "Full backup" as it type. The SAN being backed up is a netapp FAS.


When i browse the directories via windows and check the properties of the files that have just been backed up they still show the archive bit as being turned on. I need it to be turned off as it should with any full backup. Hopefully this is just something small that i am missing.




Message Edited by BobF on 07-22-2008 04:48 PM
  • Hello,


    The archive bit is a Windows specific file attribute and is not used by the NetApp filer. NDMP backups are performed using ndmpd process on the NetApp filer which uses its own method of determining which files to backup.


    If you want to clear the archive bits on backup, you will need to mount the folders as network drives on a Windows client and back them up using a Windows policy.


    Alexander Harris 

4 Replies

  • Hello,


    The archive bit is a Windows specific file attribute and is not used by the NetApp filer. NDMP backups are performed using ndmpd process on the NetApp filer which uses its own method of determining which files to backup.


    If you want to clear the archive bits on backup, you will need to mount the folders as network drives on a Windows client and back them up using a Windows policy.


    Alexander Harris 

  • Alexander,


    Many thanks for the reply. That makes perfect sense should have picked up on that one. I guess i will need to write a little attrib -A script to run at the end of of NDMP backup to clear that attribute.




  • ...but that might update the modified time stamp of the file, and cause NDMP backups to assume the file has changed and thus every file gets backed up by every incremental/differential until the next full.


    I'd test on one small folder first.


    Keen to know the outcome, please post back.

  • sdw303,


    I just ran a test then. running the attrib -A command over a file that has the archive bit turned on does not cause the date modified stamp to be changed :)