Forum Discussion

Bkp2020's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

NDMP Error 99 and Error 25.

Facing Error 99 and 25 on NDMP Backups. Below are the parameters used in the backup selection to backup the NDMP volumes.  Some of the paths used to backup as well shown below.

set hist=y
set type=tar
set snapsure=n
set emc_offline_data=n
  • Two issues:

    user name specified as 'ndmpbkup'

    Invalid backup path


     If the filer is EMC Celerra, the user name must be ndmp.

    The second issue is with invalid path in Backup Selection.
    Please work with your filer admin to specify correct path names to be backed up.

    See NDMP Appliance Information guide: for config info and examples.

10 Replies

  • Here is a really nice troubleshooting note, get to it.


  • Try not to use "set type=tar" for EMC NAS, see:

  • Please post all text in Details tab of the failed job.

    Status 25 is a connectivity error.
    Status 99 is a generic NDMP error.

    Please also tell us more about the config - are you backing up to tape drives attached to the NAS?
    Or over the network to a media server?

    Have you configured and tested NDMP credentials?
    Was the user name specified as 'ndmp'?

  • and as always .... NBU version and patch level / has it ever workd or did it just start to fail etc. etc please...

  • 06/13/2014 09:39:41 - Info nbjm (pid=5391) starting backup job (jobid=1143693) for client, policy px_txfriscona01_txcel001_dm4, schedule Full
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - Info nbjm (pid=5391) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=1143693, request id:{510221DA-F319-11E3-A22E-D3C3CE259E35})
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - requesting resource STUG_PX_TAPE_LTO6
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - requesting resource
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - requesting resource
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - granted resource
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - granted resource
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - granted resource  PE1211
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - granted resource  PX_IBM.ULT3580-TD6.000
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - granted resource  prdbkse002-hcart3-robot-tld-2
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - begin Parent Job
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - begin Stream Discovery: Start Notify Script
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - Info RUNCMD (pid=15843) started
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - Info RUNCMD (pid=15843) exiting with status: 0
    Operation Status: 0
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - end Stream Discovery: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - begin Stream Discovery: Stream Discovery
    Operation Status: 0
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - end Stream Discovery: Stream Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:00
    06/13/2014 09:39:41 - begin Stream Discovery: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
    Operation Status: 99
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - end Stream Discovery: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:00:10
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - begin Stream Discovery: Stop On Error
    Operation Status: 0
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - end Stream Discovery: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - begin Stream Discovery: End Notify Script
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - Info RUNCMD (pid=15932) started
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - Info RUNCMD (pid=15932) exiting with status: 0
    Operation Status: 0
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - end Stream Discovery: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
    Operation Status: 99
    06/13/2014 09:39:51 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:10
    NDMP backup failure  (99)

    NBU Master Server Version: 7.5

    user name specified as 'ndmpbkup'

    Backing up to tape drives to a media server.

  • Please post the failed child job's detailed status, the parent job is simply marking itself as 99 because one of the streams failed.

  • 06/13/2014 01:32:18 - Info nbjm (pid=5391) starting backup job (jobid=1140226) for client, policy px_paphiladna01_pacel001_vmd2, schedule Full
    06/13/2014 01:32:18 - Info nbjm (pid=5391) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=1140226, request id:{3B597F02-F2D5-11E3-AFDB-FF509D6B8CE3})
    06/13/2014 01:32:18 - requesting resource STUG_PX_TAPE_LTO6
    06/13/2014 01:32:18 - requesting resource
    06/13/2014 01:32:18 - requesting resource
    06/13/2014 01:32:18 - awaiting resource STUG_PX_TAPE_LTO6. No drives are available.
    06/13/2014 01:32:26 - granted resource
    06/13/2014 01:32:26 - granted resource
    06/13/2014 01:32:26 - granted resource  PE1209
    06/13/2014 01:32:26 - granted resource  PX_IBM.ULT3580-TD6.009
    06/13/2014 01:32:26 - granted resource  prdbkse002-hcart3-robot-tld-2
    06/13/2014 01:32:27 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
    06/13/2014 01:32:27 - Info nbjm (pid=5391) started backup (backupid=paphiladna01.gsm1900.org_1402648347) job for client, policy px_paphiladna01_pacel001_vmd2, schedule Full on storage unit prdbkse002-hcart3-robot-tld-2
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) is the host to backup data from
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) telling media manager to start backup on client
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bptm (pid=31970) using 32 data buffers
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bptm (pid=31970) using 262144 data buffer size
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) spawning a brm child process
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) child pid: 25870
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) sending bpsched msg: CONNECTING TO CLIENT FOR paphiladna01.gsm1900.org_1402648347
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) start bpbkar on client
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - connecting
    06/13/2014 01:32:29 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
    06/13/2014 01:32:30 - Info bpbkar (pid=25872) Backup started
    06/13/2014 01:32:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) Sending the file list to the client
    06/13/2014 01:32:31 - begin writing
    06/13/2014 01:32:32 - Error ndmpagent (pid=25872) Invalid backup path
    06/13/2014 01:32:32 - Error ndmpagent (pid=25872) NDMP backup failed, path = /fsgen
    06/13/2014 01:32:45 - Error bptm (pid=31970) none of the NDMP backups for client completed successfully
    06/13/2014 01:32:46 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) sending message to media manager: STOP BACKUP paphiladna01.gsm1900.org_1402648347
    06/13/2014 01:32:51 - Info bpbrm (pid=31965) media manager for backup id paphiladna01.gsm1900.org_1402648347 exited with status 99: NDMP backup failure
    06/13/2014 01:32:51 - end writing; write time: 0:00:20
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) is the host to backup data from
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) telling media manager to start backup on client
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bptm (pid=36027) using 32 data buffers
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bptm (pid=36027) using 262144 data buffer size
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) spawning a brm child process
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) child pid: 53187
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) sending bpsched msg: CONNECTING TO CLIENT FOR paphiladna01.gsm1900.org_1402648972
    06/13/2014 01:43:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) start bpbkar on client
    06/13/2014 01:43:14 - Info bpbkar (pid=53189) Backup started
    06/13/2014 01:43:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=36017) Sending the file list to the client
    06/13/2014 01:43:15 - Error ndmpagent (pid=53189) Invalid backup path
    NDMP backup failure  (99)


  • Two issues:

    user name specified as 'ndmpbkup'

    Invalid backup path


     If the filer is EMC Celerra, the user name must be ndmp.

    The second issue is with invalid path in Backup Selection.
    Please work with your filer admin to specify correct path names to be backed up.

    See NDMP Appliance Information guide: for config info and examples.

  • We have work with storage team and updated the backup selection paths and credentials.