Forum Discussion

EvenHornfelt's avatar
5 years ago

Need Repair install on NBU 8.0

Need to do a Repair Install on a windows 8.0 master....  anyone know a way around this one: nbwebsvc user is a domain user.
  • EvenHornfelt's avatar
    5 years ago

    NBU DR, Catalog recovery from DataDomain over OST. - NBU 8.0 windows2016, OST 3.1.1, DDOS
    Scenario: Catalog recovery from DataDomain, with known DR-File/DR-package.
    Reinstall NBU, same version, same installpath and same hostname.
    (from 8.1 you will need the DR 'passphrase' to recover the CA).

    NBU master: To create the mediaserver that connects to DataDomain (if not the master).
    # admincmd\nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename hostname -machinetype media -masterserver mastername -operatingsystem os_type -netbackupversion

    NBU master: To create the storage server, but no credentials.
    # admincmd\nbdevconfig -creatests -stype DataDomain -storage_server DD01_SiteA -media_server mediaserver.x.x.x

    Mediaserver: To add credentials for the DataDommain on the mediaserver.
    # Volmgr\bin\tpconfig -add -storage_server DD01_SiteA -stype DataDomain -sts_user_id ddboost -password 'password'

    The DiskPool and STU were added using AdminGUI on master server.

    NBU master: To 'syncronize' the recovery to the newest DR-File.
    # \bin\admincmd\nbcatsync -sync_dr_file C:\drfiles\Catalogbackup_4711_INCR

    All media resources were located
    Primary Disk Media ID Current Disk ID
    @aaaaX @aaaaY

    # \NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bprecover -wizard
    Do you want to recover the entrire catalog? Y/N Y
    Do you want to startup the NetBackup relational database NBDB? Y/N Y
    Catalog recovery in progress. Please wait.....
