Need Script on Cleaning Count Remaining
I checked the below Post but script is not in place.
Martin mentioned:
Script it ...
nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid shows a field "Cleanings remaining" ....
Loop through each cleaning tape, pull out the single line containing 'Cleaings'.
vmquery I suspect (don't have a system to hand to check) .... has a cleaning remaining field, and has the option to give a single line output for each tape. This is even easier, as yo can id each line that is a ceaning tape by using the density type, and then just print the two fields that refer to the media id and the cleanings remaining
Need to know how....can you please give me exact command which will shows Cleaning Count.We have 4 libraries.
Looking for help...
Simplest thing to do would probably save something like the following as a script & schedule it via cron:
vmquery -b -p 0 | grep CL |awk '{print "tape:"$1, "robot:"$4, "cleanings_Remaining:"$8}' > clean.out mailx -s "Cleaning Tapes - uses left" < clean.out