Forum Discussion

Garry_H's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

Netbackup 6.5.4 on Windows 2000 recieving WRN - can't open file: error

Hi Guys,

Apologies if this has been answered before, however, I have been looking all morning without finding a solution.

We recently updated 6 windows 2000 machines to netbackup 6.5.4.  After the update all machines are getting the following errors;

18:03:06.587 [15589] <8> bpbrm handle_backup: from client wclaqassvr1: WRN - can't open file: C:\WINNT\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )

18:03:06.898 [15589] <8> bpbrm handle_backup: from client wclaqassvr1: WRN - can't open file: C:\WINNT\system32\config\SecEvent.Evt (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )

18:03:07.049 [15589] <8> bpbrm handle_backup: from client wclaqassvr1: WRN - can't open file: C:\WINNT\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )


Some are also getting

18:03:06.741 [15589] <8> bpbrm handle_backup: from client wclaqassvr1: WRN - can't open file: C:\WINNT\system32\config\NtFrs.Evt (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )

Backups fail with Error 1, which in any 'normal' business is ok, however, the company i work for deem this to be a filure.


I have been unable to find any definitive solution to this issue.  Is there any KB article with a solution or does anyone know what could be causing this error?  I also apologise in advance, but my knowledge of Netbackup is very limited so bare with me!



  • BUG REPORT: Windows 2000, 2003 and Windows XP clients complete with Status 1 because it is failing to backup Event Logs.

7 Replies

  • Please share the contents of Backup Selection. Event Viewer logs should be backed up as part of System_State backups and not with normal filesystem backups.

    Ensure that the NBU Client Service logon account has sufficient permission to read all system files.

    Use this 2003 TN as guideline to browse for Event Viewer logs to ensure that the they are backed up as part of System_State:

    In that case, it should be safe to add the actual path to Exclude List.

  • Have you rebooted your Windows 2000 server after NetBackup installation (to enable snapshots and backup of open files)? Are you using VSP for snapshots? (VSS only work for w2k3+)

  • BUG REPORT: Windows 2000, 2003 and Windows XP clients complete with Status 1 because it is failing to backup Event Logs.

  • We must work for the same company Garry.  My people freak out over a "1".  They think we can never restore from it.  :-)

  • Thanks for all your replies guys - Have been flatout and this has been on the back burner - looking into your replies and will let you all know shortly of the outcome.


    Thanks and Cheers

  • Thanks Andy, your info worked a treat!

    Thanks goes to all of you for your attention and willingness to help.

