Forum Discussion

KeithADM's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

NetBackup 6.5.5, "Needs Cleaning" comment removal?

I'm running NetBackup 6.5.5 on Windows Server 2003 with an ADIC Scalar 24, one robot and two IBM Ultrium TD3 drives. When I try to run a backup job the job gets stuck at "mounting" and never gets past that. I see that both drives have a comment of, "Needs Cleaning." I have run the following commands...

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpclean -L
C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpclean -M IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.000
C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpclean -M IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.001

...and the drive comment is removed. But, when I try to restart a backup job manually the job gets stuck at "mounting" again and the "Needs Cleaning" comment comes back. I inherited this position and the guy before me didn't have any cleaning tapes (I've got some on order) but until they arrive is there any way to get the backups to run?

4 Replies

  • There are a couple of levels of cleaning messages a tape drive might return: One is "you might wanna clean me, but I'll keep working", the other is, "I will not continue to operate unless I get a cleaning".  


    Unfortunately it looks like you've got the second one.  You have to clean the drives.

  • Okay. I've got some cleaning tapes being delivered today so I'll give that a shot. Is there a document that details the process? This is my first time importing cleaning tapes in NetBackup.

  • If you have barcodes you should setup a barcode rule to identify cleaning media.  There are several articles that go over this process.  I'm not sure about the details of your environment so I'll list some that might be helpful below.


    DOCUMENTATION: How to set up automatic tape cleaning in NetBackup Enterprise Server


    How to setup cleaning tapes using the NetBackup Administration Console and Barcode Rules


    DOCUMENTATION: How to set up a barcode rule for cleaning tapes


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