Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • THANKS for this post!
    I thought I was seriously losing my mind....
    I saw Ed's post earlier on with a link to 6.5.6 Release Notes. I immediately did a search for 'NetBackup 6.5.6 Release Announcement' and found nothing... That was about 2 hours ago...
  • Thanks for this information regarding NBU 6.5.6. The link is great help for us.

  • If you need the download in the meantime you can still access it here (just search the ftp site for 351805 in your browser):

  • NetBackup 6.5.6 includes the VSP disable tool (bpvspdisable.exe) for
    administrators to use to disable VSP on clients if it is not needed. The tool deletes
    the VSP cache files from the disk of the client system. All future VSP requests on
    those clients are redirected to use Microsoft native Volume Shadow Copy Service