Forum Discussion

Maddy777's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Netbackup 7.x per TB licensing

Dealing with a customer issue on the high backup volumes.
The customer owns License for only 30 TB. The current volume of backup has exceeded the licensing limit.

The point of clarification I require to have is on the licensing part.

  • When we say 30 TB of License, it is measured and/ or consumed by the backup volume taken by the NetBackup from the client? (I presume Yes)
  • Will this limit of licensing be measured and/ or consumed for archiving data to tape also? (I presume Yes)
  • What are the consequences faced, if the amount of backup volume exceeds above 30 TB without procuring extra per TB license?
  • What are the possible ways of reduction of backup volumes, considering there are both de-dup and non-de-dup data volumes being backed up?
  • 1) Its measured by the front-end data protected on the clients.

    2) No. As Front-end means one full backup of the client. It doesn't matter how many times the full backup is run or how many copies are made.

    3) Backups will still continue to run. Though, you should perform an audit or can use this utility to determine the amount of data protected -

5 Replies

  • 1) Its measured by the front-end data protected on the clients.

    2) No. As Front-end means one full backup of the client. It doesn't matter how many times the full backup is run or how many copies are made.

    3) Backups will still continue to run. Though, you should perform an audit or can use this utility to determine the amount of data protected -

  • Thanks VJware!

    I still didn't get this explaination:

    "front-end data protected on the clients"

    "As Front-end means one full backup of the client. It doesn't matter how many times the full backup is run or how many copies are made."

    Can you describe it in layman terms?

    Consider a scenario, I have 1 weekly full of 5 TB and procured licese is 30 TB? How does and when would it expire the license?

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