Forum Discussion

Symantec12345's avatar
13 years ago

Netbackup and DataDomain

Hi ,

How can I configure Netbackup to use a dedicated replication network between two DD's.

Do I need to replicate the folders in DD to another box using replication provided by data domain. In that case I cannot manager my retentions so if some body can help me with that ..i would appreciate.

Thank you


    The network used for optimized duplication is based on network
    name resolution on the source Data Domain system. The destination
    Data Domain system is known to the source Data Domain
    system based on the IP address supplied by DNS, or by a local
    hosts file entry. Populating the source Data Domain systems hosts
    file with the desired IP address of the destination Data Domain
    system is all that is required to use a specific NIC and network.
    If this value is not present, NetBackup will perform optimized
    duplication using the same network it uses to access the source
    and destination Data Domain systems for backup and restore jobs.

    If you want to configure replication network, just register host name of DD with IP address of replication network using "net hosts" command. You do it on both DD only, do not edit hosts file on NetBackup server.

    # net hosts show
    # net hosts delete <public_network_address>  (IF hostname is already registered with public IP)
    # net hosts add <replication_network_address> <peer_DD_hostname>

  • Using OpenStorage API plugin, NetBackup have control of backup images in both side of replication pair. Otherwise, if you configured BasicDisk storage unit(means without OpenStorage plugin), NetBackup does not have control of replicated images replicated by DD. Please check DD document for OpenStorage API plugin. Requirements and step-by-step configuration procedure is written.
  • If you use the OST plugin, the duplication is as easy as configuring SLP for backup and duplication. DD will automatically use the private network for optimized duplication.

    Be sure to add credentials for both DD's on all media servers (local and remote) although diskpools and STU's will be local. All clearly documented in DD config guide (supplied by your DD team).

  • Thank you for the informatiin Marianne... as you mentioned in your reply " DD will automatically use the private network for optimized duplication." so in that case i just have to provide the Ip address of my local DD and remote DD to the media servers  and I dont have to provide the private/dedicated replication IP to destination or source media servers.

    I have dedicated replication Network between the DD's which is already replicating an Mtree.and a different network for DD's to talk to media servers onsite and offsite.


  • Correct. The media servers only need to know about the public IP's of the DDs.

    The DD Admin Guide recommends adding the DDs to media server hosts file to avoid frequent DNS lookups as well as 'net hosts add ipaddr ....' for media servers on the DDs.

  • Mariaane thank you for helping me out. I have checked the guides as well and the things you have suggested. I have configured my environment as per the doc's but the data flow is via the public network when its suppose to use the replication network .Replication network is already replicating a different mtree which is not for netbackup so do i need to configure anything on the DD front to make it use the replication network .Do i need set my DD to do site level or directory level replication or something.

    Thank you

  • In all honesty - I have never had any involvement in configuring the DD side.

    The local DD support team are doing a very good job at configuring the DD side and giving the customer hands-on training. As a reseller if have only ever been involved in the NBU side...

    Apologies if I cannot assist with DD config.


    The network used for optimized duplication is based on network
    name resolution on the source Data Domain system. The destination
    Data Domain system is known to the source Data Domain
    system based on the IP address supplied by DNS, or by a local
    hosts file entry. Populating the source Data Domain systems hosts
    file with the desired IP address of the destination Data Domain
    system is all that is required to use a specific NIC and network.
    If this value is not present, NetBackup will perform optimized
    duplication using the same network it uses to access the source
    and destination Data Domain systems for backup and restore jobs.

    If you want to configure replication network, just register host name of DD with IP address of replication network using "net hosts" command. You do it on both DD only, do not edit hosts file on NetBackup server.

    # net hosts show
    # net hosts delete <public_network_address>  (IF hostname is already registered with public IP)
    # net hosts add <replication_network_address> <peer_DD_hostname>