Forum Discussion

shashi0621's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

netbackup doubts

Hi ALL, I have some basic doubts.i have studying the NBU docs and pdfs.and also google. 1. restart folder and ffile logs under /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs contains what information. try logs: detailed information of job ffilelogs: backup selection of a job. restart logs: ??? 2...What is an it a patch on the current version or what. is it an exe file or what. ffile logs contains: backup selection of the job try logs: detailed information of the job. The /usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs/trylogs directory contains .t files which store details for individual backup jobs. These files are then read by the bpdbjobs command to display job information. restart logs:
  • Out of the questions, to be fair, the trylogs is useful, as this is effectivly the same as the detailed information in the GUI for a job = easily searchable via the command line (grep etc ... if on Unix)

    The others I would forget about ...

    The ffilelogs is indeed the backup selection for a job - not something I've ever needed to use.

    I don't think I have ever looked in restart until today ...  Given, at least on my system it contains files with jobids that have failed backups, it would appear, that NBU will use this information to restart the failed job should it wish to do so.  In fact it does, as I have just deleted of the files and now cannot 'restart' that particular job.


11 Replies

  • The ONLY time I have needed to use these files is when I have an orphaned job - one that is doing nothing and I cannot delete it. 

    At one time there was a documented process available on this site that essentially consisted of stopping netbackup (when NOTHING else was running) and removing some of these files, so you can CLEAR out your activity in java console. That is the ONLY time I ever touched them.

    I have been able to use the locally installed windows console to delete these as well, looks like I may need to refresh this process in 7.7, since the windows console is no more.



    As far as EEB - in the past I have had to deal with multiple engineering fixes, so I had to track them.

    I have had multiple NB versions and multiple media server OS, so for example, I may need to install GA version, then patch to GA.X, then install EEB1 on OS1 media servers, or EEB2 on master.

    I made a text file with a listing of what they did, since it can be hard to tell. Generally you won't go too far wrong DOCUMENTING what you need to install to get your stuff working.

    I have NEVER installed EEB if I was not having issues, that is just asking for trouble.