Forum Discussion

hariharan24's avatar
9 years ago

Netbackup IMPORT jobs are using different media server

Netbackup IMPORT  jobs are using different media server

My SLPs STU is poiting to correct media server - which  I am expecting to take & run for import jobs - But in my case the Import jobs are taking different media server.

I can see one setting in nbemmcmd -changesetting command

<-common_server_for_dup> - will this workout for Import jobs Or it will work only for Duplications.

Can you please help me to use the specified media server for import jobs rather than using random media servers.



  • The import should be quick as this is only catalog info that is updated, not entire image. If you feel this is an issue that needs to be fixed, best to log a Support call with Veritas.

9 Replies

  • Veritas confirmed that for OST - we cant dedicately use one media server to run the import jobs - It will take any one of the media server under the Storage server Credentials section!

  • The import should be quick as this is only catalog info that is updated, not entire image. If you feel this is an issue that needs to be fixed, best to log a Support call with Veritas.
  • Yes Marianne is right...

    Its AIR Import job which will start automatically using SLP

  • Only problem - this is not Phase 2 import that can be done using bpimport. AIR image import happens automatically using SLP.
  • You can force use of a particualr media server via CLI:


  • Exactly Marianne, you are right..

    DD is configured as a Storage Server - which is having nearly 5 media server - where same version of EMC OST plugin is installed.

    In my STU - I have configured to use only one media server - the same STU is called in the SLPs Import job.

    But the import job is not using that respective media server - Its using other media server that is part of 5 media server (Confgirued in Storage Server)

  • Thanks for clarification.

    I did not realise you were talking about AIR.

    The problem seems to be with NBU ignoring the STU and simply use any media server that belongs to the Storage Server.
    The problem does not appear with MSDP as each STU and Storage Server only have a single media server.
    Only OST STU such as DD have multiple media servers with a single Storage Server.

    Let's see if anyone else has a solution.

  • AIR with DD

    Destination SLP contains Import job & Duplication job.

    Import is happening automatically once the replication job completed on the source.

    But while the import jobs started its using different media server rather than the one which is mentioned in the STU of the corresponding Import SLP


    Please let me know if you need any more information.

  • More info please. What type of storage are you importing from? Phase 1 or 2 that's problematic? How are you performing the inport? - cmd? Please share command. - GUI? Please share screenshots of each step.