Forum Discussion

nbu123's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Netbackup Java Console working too Slow

Hello All,


We had a master server running on Linux Host, v7.5.0.7.

Recently i had installed the NBU Java Console On windows hosts and trying to access it.

I am able to login to the console , but everthing seems to be running too slow, activity monitor is taking 5-6 minutes to list the jobs.

Whereas Policy TAB is not at all coming up, its giving the timd out error. 

We are getting same slow response with other tabs too.


Kindly  let me know if this could be due to some firewall rules blocking some thing or some other thing needs to be checked.

  • Issue got resolved after Restarting NBU services on Master server

10 Replies

  • if you do have firewall rules in place, first try without them. that'll be a lot easier to isolate where the problem lies.

  • Hello Rino19ny,


    Can you please let me know what all ports needs to be opened from Host( On which Netbackup java console is installed) to netbackup master server.

  • Ports 1556 and 13724 are required to be opened from Java Consoles to Master servers in both directions.

  • Can you confirm that you have patched the Java Console to the same version as the master server?
  • I had checked and confirmed that 1556 & 13724 is opened from Java Console to Master Server.

    I am not sure if ports are opened from Master to Java Console as NBU client is not installed on the Windows host on which i have installed Java Console.

  • Yes Marianne i had patched the java console to the same version of Master Server.

  • Firewall ports must be open in both directions as per revarooo's post. Master must be able to send info back via TCP ports. Nothing to do with NBU client port comms.
  • Both the TCP ports are opened bi-directionally still the console is working too also.


    Also the policy tab is not loading up. Getting the timed out error.

  • Can NBSL daemon be causing this slowness issue.

    This master server is also not reporting to ops center.


    Will restarting NBSL would affect any running backup on master server?

  • Issue got resolved after Restarting NBU services on Master server