Forum Discussion

Mahmoud_Moussa's avatar
12 years ago

Netbackup License Downgrade

Dear All, 

   Is there anything called License Downgrade ?

I have the Enterprise Disk Option License which came for netbackup 7.5 but I want to install them on the netbackup 6.5.5 I have in my datacenter so can I just go and proceed with their addition or I have to do anything like downgrade or do I have to make a new order for the Netbackup version 6.5.5?


Thanks & Best Regards,

  • Mahmoud, I see a Partner badge next to your name, which implies that you are working for a Symantec Reseller?

    Since NBU 6.x has reached EOSL on 3 October 2012, you will probably not be able to 'downgrade'.
    The 7.5 license may work - you will know when you add it.

    Why not upgrade your environment? 
    Your 6.5.x installation is no longer supported.

5 Replies

  • Symantec may provide downgrade license for customers who what to use previous version.

    But, it may bacome problem in this case that NetBackup 6.x is not in EOSL. Please ask Symantec and resellers whther you can get 6.5 licenses.

  • Mahmoud, I see a Partner badge next to your name, which implies that you are working for a Symantec Reseller?

    Since NBU 6.x has reached EOSL on 3 October 2012, you will probably not be able to 'downgrade'.
    The 7.5 license may work - you will know when you add it.

    Why not upgrade your environment? 
    Your 6.5.x installation is no longer supported.

  • Dear Marianne 

       Yes I'll  upgrade my environment except that now I'm in phase of hardware refresh then I'll upgrade 

    Actually It's a two phase process 

    First : Hardware refresh in which a new master server is used the same version of 6.5.5 will be installed restore the catalog make sure that everything is working fine and properly

    Second: Netbackup 6.5 upgrade to the newest version netbackup 7.5 

    Thanks & Best Regards,


  • Mohmoud


    You can call to Symantec support (Licensing) and ask them for license downgrade (i ended up many times for my customers during upgrade or other phase)

    They should be able to help you out. Or Check in licensing portal if this license was upgraded from previous version so you would get previous license key there (only if it is any upgrade, Fresh procurement will not have it on portal)