Forum Discussion

Manumohan's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Netbackup remote admin console on windows

I try to export  policy attribute, schdule, backup selection etc..  from Netbackup remote windows admin console but the "Export" option is showing as inactive(grey out).

I'm not sure why it is shoiwig inactive where as i'm able to get this for unix/linx masters via java console.

I set full rights in auth.conf file  but in windows i'm not sure this exist.  i guess it is somethig else is not allowing to export the date not with auto.conf file.

Alos i would like to know is that possible i can use java consol to access WIN master server version ( If yes how can i do that,  greatly appreciate if you have any tech note or solutions for these..


  • you can use the java console for windows master as well.

    you need to install the java console on the system/server from which you would like to access the master and update the user names in auth.conf file in the master server located in  installpath/java/

    then you should be able to access the java console and do all exports..

  • Hello there Manumohan,

    I've numbered your concerns/inquiries and placed them in quotes to differentiate from my responses, see below:

    1. I try to export  policy attribute, schdule, backup selection etc..  from Netbackup remote windows admin console but the "Export" option is showing as inactive(grey out).

    It could be that the NetBackup Remote Administration Console is not being ran with "Run as Administrator" priveledges". Or... It's possible that there is a communication issue between the remote admin host and the master server, which the bpcd log might show if there's an error. Some questions for you: 

    Q1. Are you running the NetBackup Remote Administration Console is not being ran with "Run as Administrator" priveledges"?
    Q2. Which service account is running the NetBackup Client service for your Remote Admin Console?
    Q3. Is the Remote Admin hostname listed as an authorized server to access the master?

    2. I'm not sure why it is showing inactive where as i'm able to get this for unix/linx masters via java console.

    These consoles/GUIs each communicate differently to their respective servers, so expect that there might be different results.
    Workaround: Using a Java Admin Console is a viable workaround, especially with us discontinuing the Remote Windows Admin Console in the current releases (7.7 and later)*.
    * - For more info on that, check the NB 7.7 release notes, or SORT website.

    3. I set full rights in auth.conf file  but in windows i'm not sure this exist.  i guess it is somethig else is not allowing to export the date not with auto.conf file.

    No, Windows Admin Consoles/GUIs do not use the auth.conf, that's Java Console specific.

    4. Also i would like to know is that possible if i can use java console to access WIN master server version ( If yes how can i do that,  greatly appreciate if you have any tech note or solutions for these.

    Yes, you can use the Java Admin Console, download and install it. Here's the technote for that version:

    >> Maintenance Release NB_JAV_7.6.0.4.winnt.x64.exe provides fixes for Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.6[.0.1] Java Administration Console on x64 Windows.

    Speaking of technotes, since you're using NetBackup 7.6, this troubleshooting guide might be a good reference for you as well:

    >> NetBackup 7.6 Troubleshooting Guide -

    Hopefully this information helps answer your questions and not raised too many more!

4 Replies

  • you can use the java console for windows master as well.

    you need to install the java console on the system/server from which you would like to access the master and update the user names in auth.conf file in the master server located in  installpath/java/

    then you should be able to access the java console and do all exports..

  • Hello there Manumohan,

    I've numbered your concerns/inquiries and placed them in quotes to differentiate from my responses, see below:

    1. I try to export  policy attribute, schdule, backup selection etc..  from Netbackup remote windows admin console but the "Export" option is showing as inactive(grey out).

    It could be that the NetBackup Remote Administration Console is not being ran with "Run as Administrator" priveledges". Or... It's possible that there is a communication issue between the remote admin host and the master server, which the bpcd log might show if there's an error. Some questions for you: 

    Q1. Are you running the NetBackup Remote Administration Console is not being ran with "Run as Administrator" priveledges"?
    Q2. Which service account is running the NetBackup Client service for your Remote Admin Console?
    Q3. Is the Remote Admin hostname listed as an authorized server to access the master?

    2. I'm not sure why it is showing inactive where as i'm able to get this for unix/linx masters via java console.

    These consoles/GUIs each communicate differently to their respective servers, so expect that there might be different results.
    Workaround: Using a Java Admin Console is a viable workaround, especially with us discontinuing the Remote Windows Admin Console in the current releases (7.7 and later)*.
    * - For more info on that, check the NB 7.7 release notes, or SORT website.

    3. I set full rights in auth.conf file  but in windows i'm not sure this exist.  i guess it is somethig else is not allowing to export the date not with auto.conf file.

    No, Windows Admin Consoles/GUIs do not use the auth.conf, that's Java Console specific.

    4. Also i would like to know is that possible if i can use java console to access WIN master server version ( If yes how can i do that,  greatly appreciate if you have any tech note or solutions for these.

    Yes, you can use the Java Admin Console, download and install it. Here's the technote for that version:

    >> Maintenance Release NB_JAV_7.6.0.4.winnt.x64.exe provides fixes for Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.6[.0.1] Java Administration Console on x64 Windows.

    Speaking of technotes, since you're using NetBackup 7.6, this troubleshooting guide might be a good reference for you as well:

    >> NetBackup 7.6 Troubleshooting Guide -

    Hopefully this information helps answer your questions and not raised too many more!

  • Hi SymJD,

    I used Java admin console and it work for me ! Thank you!

  • Manumohan, you're most welcome, glad to hear it's working!