Forum Discussion

SteveJD's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

Netbackup Restoring data to SAN attached to Master Server

I have a standalone Windows server with an HP MSA SAN attached via iSCSI, the environment includes a TLD.

Master/Media Server is Netbackup 6.0 MP4: Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise (32bit)

I recently attached the SAN to the Netbackup server in order to use it as a restoration/storage repository. In Windows Disk Manager I have defined 3 paritions, 18TB each, and they are accessible in Explorer.

I have a bunch of tapes that I'd like to restore onto the SAN, and I assumed that I could simply choose the files I want, and restore them to a drive located on the SAN, E:\.

When attempting restoration, the tape loads and begins reading, then after about 2mins there's an error. bpbrm(pid=4404) listen for client protocol error - couldn't accept from data socket. Cannot connect on socket(25)

Even though the SAN is attached to the Master server via iSCSI, do I need to install a client for this to work? I thought a client was only required if using Fibre Channel connecting to something like a VMware environment.

  • Not possible. 

    SQL agent backup does a backup of db structure and contents of db, not a file-level backup.

    You need MS-SQL to recreate the db structures, after which content is restored into the db's. 

    Only a cold file-level MS-Windows backup of mdf and ldf files can be used to perform file-level restore.

  • Hey

    What is the destination client for this restore? Is it master/media server? Could you please post full restore log? Is there correctly set policy type ? Was the source one of the same type when this backup was performed...

    If restores is pointing to master/media server - the client software should be already there... Not sure why it can't connect... Is there any firewall in place? If its pointing to other client which does not exist I am not surprised...

    • SteveJD's avatar
      Level 3


      The destination client is the Master/Media server, it's the only system I'm using for this project. It's a single standalone server with a vanilla installtion of Netbackup, essentially there are no policies defined.

      This system was built purely to enable the restoration of old backup tapes that were initially duplicated from LTO2 to LTO6 tapes. Now I have everything on LTO6, I'm in the process of restoring the data from those tapes. They are all imported and I can see everything I need.

      I have previously been able to perform restores, however that was to a Centos server connected on the same network.

      I've checked the firewall on the local server, which is off, and the firewall within Netbackup looks fine.

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        From your description, the restore should work. 

        We will need to dig into logs to see where the issue is. 

        Firstly, check that log folders exist under <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\logs:
        bprd (restart NBU after creating this folder)

        Retry the restore. 
        After the failure, please copy log files in above folders to .txt files (bprd.txt, bpbrm.txt, etc)

        Copy the text in Job Details and upload the .txt files.