Netbackup Restoring data to SAN attached to Master Server
I have a standalone Windows server with an HP MSA SAN attached via iSCSI, the environment includes a TLD.
Master/Media Server is Netbackup 6.0 MP4: Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise (32bit)
I recently attached the SAN to the Netbackup server in order to use it as a restoration/storage repository. In Windows Disk Manager I have defined 3 paritions, 18TB each, and they are accessible in Explorer.
I have a bunch of tapes that I'd like to restore onto the SAN, and I assumed that I could simply choose the files I want, and restore them to a drive located on the SAN, E:\.
When attempting restoration, the tape loads and begins reading, then after about 2mins there's an error. bpbrm(pid=4404) listen for client protocol error - couldn't accept from data socket. Cannot connect on socket(25)
Even though the SAN is attached to the Master server via iSCSI, do I need to install a client for this to work? I thought a client was only required if using Fibre Channel connecting to something like a VMware environment.
Not possible.
SQL agent backup does a backup of db structure and contents of db, not a file-level backup.
You need MS-SQL to recreate the db structures, after which content is restored into the db's.
Only a cold file-level MS-Windows backup of mdf and ldf files can be used to perform file-level restore.