Forum Discussion

JP8's avatar
Level 3
3 years ago

NetBackup SLP not using the latest configuration


I have a problem with Netbackup SLP which is not using latest configuration.
I added new tape device and changed all storage Lifecycle Policies to use the new one, but i still get failed Duplication jobs that search for old tape device. Are these jobs in memory somewhere? Can i force these to use the new conf?

I have restarted the netbackup services.
Netbackup 8.2

  • I assume that you are not using targeted air. I created the command you need to run for the SLP, named MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months. As I can see this SLP is not a targeted SLP.
    If you have targeted SLPs, you have to change the command accordingly.

    I also assume that backup storage unit name is MSDP_Unit . If not correct it


    nbstl MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months -modify_version 0 -residence MSDP_Unit,*Remote*Master*,nbu-hcart2-robot-tld-1


    The command syntax is
    nbstl SLP_name -modify_version old_version_no -residence step1_storage_unit,step2_storage_unit,step3_storage_unit

    for AIR the entry is
    non targeted SLP: *Remote*Master*
    targeted SLP: *Remote*Master*:IMPORT_SLP_NAME  (IMPORT_SLP_NAME is the import SLP name of the target server )

    TEST TEST TEST before apply

  • I assume that you are not using targeted air. I created the command you need to run for the SLP, named MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months. As I can see this SLP is not a targeted SLP.
    If you have targeted SLPs, you have to change the command accordingly.

    I also assume that backup storage unit name is MSDP_Unit . If not correct it


    nbstl MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months -modify_version 0 -residence MSDP_Unit,*Remote*Master*,nbu-hcart2-robot-tld-1


    The command syntax is
    nbstl SLP_name -modify_version old_version_no -residence step1_storage_unit,step2_storage_unit,step3_storage_unit

    for AIR the entry is
    non targeted SLP: *Remote*Master*
    targeted SLP: *Remote*Master*:IMPORT_SLP_NAME  (IMPORT_SLP_NAME is the import SLP name of the target server )

    TEST TEST TEST before apply

    • JP8's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank You StefanosM!

      Your info was very good and helpful. Got my jobs running.
      Correct syntax for me was: 

      nbstl MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months -modify_version -version 0 -residence MSDP_Unit,*Remote*Master*:SLP-name-here,nbu-hcart2-robot-tld-0
  • SLPs are using versioning. Older backups still use the previous SLP configuration.
    run the command " nbstl <storage_lifecycle_name> -U -all_versions "  and post the output

    • JP8's avatar
      Level 3

      Here is the output:

      MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months 1
      backup MSDP_Unit Default_24x7_Win Fixed
      replication to remote master *Remote*Master 2200-600 Fixed
      duplication nbu-hcart2-rob Default_24x7_Win Fixed
      MSDP-1week-replica-Tape-3months 0
      backup MSDP_Unit Default_24x7_Win Fixed
      replication to remote master *Remote*Master 2200-600 Fixed
      duplication nbu-hcart2-rob Default_24x7_Win Fixed

  • I do not see any difference between versions 0 and 1. What did you change to this SLP?
    Do you add a new tape drive to the same library or do you add a new library?
    Does the new tape device have the same density as the other drives?

  • I think some of the text is not shown here.
    It should show  nbu-hcart2-robot-tld-1 and other one probably  nbu-hcart2-robot-tld-0
    So i think your info about SLP versioning might be the issue here.
    I have few completed duplication jobs with new tape drive also now, but most use still old conf.
    And if i manually execute backup job, which has duplication to tape, then this also succeeds. 

    I added completely new robot and two new drives to it.
    And changed the storage device in duplication under all SLP-s.