Netbackup7.6 NBAC bpnbaz -setupmedia failed?
I have configured NBAC on masterserver with command "bpnbaz -setupmaster" successfully.
When I configure NBAC on mediaserver,it shows error.
the following error shows:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpnbaz.exe -setupmedia mediaserv
Gathering configuration information.
You will have to restart NetBackup services on '' af
ter the command completes successfully.
WARNING! Before restarting, please delete file on media serve
r, if exists already at <INSTALL_DIR>\NetBackup\var\vxss directory on Windows or
at <INSTALL_DIR>/var/vxss/ on Unix.
Do you want to continue(y/n)y
Enter password if the media server is pre 7.0 else press ENTER:
Unable to connect to authorization server. Please check your VxAZ Server (or -S
erver argument) and try again.
somebody helps me?
Many Thanks!
It sounds like it was not logged in. Please follow TECH147984 for steps on running bpnbaz -setupmedia