Forum Discussion

nsairam789's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

netbakup material

anyone plse send me commands used in netbackup

  • as was 'tagged' onto another unrelated post.

    You really need to provide a bit more info or be a little more specific.

    I could point you here:

    Symantec NetBackup 7.5 Commands Reference Guide

    but that could be too specific.

    So maybe:

    7.5 Documentation

    ......but then maybe you're still on version 6.5.x........?

4 Replies

  • as was 'tagged' onto another unrelated post.

    You really need to provide a bit more info or be a little more specific.

    I could point you here:

    Symantec NetBackup 7.5 Commands Reference Guide

    but that could be too specific.

    So maybe:

    7.5 Documentation

    ......but then maybe you're still on version 6.5.x........?

  • Have a look at the 'Handy Links' in my signature.

    I have posted links to NBU manuals starting with 6.5 all the way to 7.5.

    Find the Commands Manual for your NBU version.

  • Here are most of them ...


    backupdbtrace      bperror            bpnbaz             bpschedulerep      nbauditreport      nbindexutil
    backuptrace        bpexpdate          bppficorr          bpsetconfig        nbcatsync          nbjmreq
    bpauthorize        bpflist            bpplcatdrinfo      bpsnapconfig       nbcertupdater      nbkmsutil
    bpbackupdb         bpfrag             bpplclients        bpstsinfo          nbdc               nbpemreq
    bpbackupvxss       bpgetconfig        bppldelete         bpstuadd           nbdecommission     nbplupgrade
    bpcatarc           bpgetdebuglog      bpplinclude        bpstudel           nbdelete           nbproxyreq
    bpcatlist          bpgethost          bpplinfo           bpstulist          nbdeployutil       nbrbutil
    bpcatres           bpgetmedia         bppllist           bpsturep           nbdevconfig        nbregopsc
    bpcatrm            bpimage            bpplsched          bpsyncinfo         nbdevquery         nbreplicate
    bpccname           bpimagelist        bpplschedrep       bptestbpcd         nbdiag             nbsnapimport
    bpchangeprimary    bpimmedia          bpplschedwin       bpverify           nbemmcmd           nbsnapreplicate
    bpclient           bpimport           bpplvalid          bpversion          nbexecute          nbstl
    bpconfig           bplabel            bppolicynew        bpversion_update   nbfindfile         nbstlutil
    bpcounts           bplicense          bprdreq            csconfig           nbftconfig         nbsvrgrp
    bpcoverage         bplocaladdrs       bprecover          duplicatetrace     nbftsrv_config     resilient_clients
    bpdbjobs           bpmedia            bpretlevel         get_license_key    nbhardwaremon      restoretrace
    bpdrfiles          bpmedialist        bprsh              importtrace        nbhba              verifytrace
    bpduplicate        bpminlicense       bpschedule         nb_updatedssu      nbholdutil
    ... which ones are you particularly interested in ???