Forum Discussion

colson's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

Network Traffic flow overview

Netbackup was configured on my network with no documentation. I get a basic understanding of how it is supposed to work by analizing traffic flow but I'm not sure it is set up properly. I was under the impression that client nodes would communicate directly with the media servers on their subnet and the media servers would push to the Master. However, network traffic shows that all the client nodes are communicating directly with the master and the master is the only one communicating with the media servers. Can someone give me a basic understanding of how Netback traffic should flow through a network.  We have 3 subnets. One media server is in each subnet. We have a Master Server and and a Master DBserver. How is this SUPPOSED to work? A diagram would be ideal.



  • Fortunately, most of these are self-explanatory and easy to remember...


    bpcd - NetBackup (technically, Backup Plus) connect daemon

    bpdbm - NetBackup database manager, I think?

    nbpem - NetBackup policy execution manager

    nbjm - NetBackup job manager

    bpjobd - NetBackup job daemon?

    nbrb - NetBackup resource broker

    bpbrm - NetBackup backup/restore manager

    vnetd - Veritas network daemon

    bptm - NetBackup tape manager

    bpdm - NetBackup disk manager


    That should be ALMOST enough to get you certified as a Symantec Technical Specialist!  Assuming I didn't make any egregious errors, at least...  ;-)

  • You can find degtailed information on each of them in the "NetBackup Commands" admin guides. You can find most all of the NetBackup manuals and documentation on the installation CDs. You can also download them from:

    Here is the info from the nbrb

    nbrb (1M)



    - run NetBackup Resource Broker


    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrb [-console] [-terminate]


    The NetBackup Resource Broker binary (

    NetBackup starts and remains active. This service makes the allocations for

    such things as storage units, tape drives, and client reservations. This service

    works closely with the EMM to obtain physical and logical the resources that a

    job requires to run. Physical resources can be storage units, tape drives, and

    media IDs. Logical resources can be named resources, max jobs per client, max

    jobs per policy, and multiplexed groups as resources that

    nbrb) is a service that starts whennbjm uses.



    Enables you to start NetBackup in console mode.


    Enables you to stop the




    , nbpem(1M)

  • Thanks guys. I'm not the Netbackup admin but do need to see how the process travels through my network. I appreciate your help.
