Forum Discussion

RocketBeta's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

One Media server, multiple NBU domains?

Sorry if it's been asked before, but can a single Media server be attached to and facilitate backups for more than one Master server simultaneously?  We're trying to ween off of one NBU domain and migrate over to a newer NBU domain that is set up on different hardware and different OS than the current Master server.

Essentially, we want to keep the Media server but change the Master server and not lose any backups (if that's even possible).

  • To answer your original question, no, a media server can only 'belong' to one master.
  • no issues, as long as your master server can handel the media server load too...

    and media server can not serve 2 master server at same time...

    but in your case , i can suggest one thing...

    1)keep all media server configuration on old master server as it is.

    2) in media server add new master server name as SERVER = <master server name>

    change the EMM server name also as your new master serer name

    3)add media server name in new master server bp.conf

    4) recycle the media server netbackup once

    you should be able to configure the media server in new master server , and when ever you need to use the media server under old master server.. you need to change the emmserver entry in media server bp.conf and recyle the netbackup.

    CAUTION:- you need to make sure you are not using the same media(tapes) and Disk STU in new master server that you were using in old one... ( you should freeze them in new master)

  • media server holds nothing.. it just take  backups and do restores and duplications when it got order from Master server..

    all the configurations and catalogs in master server & EMM server..

    so when you change the master server you looks all backup unless if you plan for migrations of catalogs to new master server...

    does it your plan..?

    if not could you expline your plan in more detail..

  • To answer your original question, no, a media server can only 'belong' to one master.
  • Okay... No, we weren't planning on migrating the catalogs.  Trying to keep things simple.

    I think what we might end up doing is running the new Master server as an NBU domain by itself (without a Media server) long enough for it to create its own set of backups.  Once that's done, we will stand down the old Master server, then reconfigure the old Media server to point to the new Master server.

    Do you foresee any problems/issues with that plan?

    New Master: RHEL

    Old Master: Solaris

    Old Media: Windows Server 2008

  • And just to confirm, if I reconfigure the media server to point to a new master, I would lose all of my backups?

  • no issues, as long as your master server can handel the media server load too...

    and media server can not serve 2 master server at same time...

    but in your case , i can suggest one thing...

    1)keep all media server configuration on old master server as it is.

    2) in media server add new master server name as SERVER = <master server name>

    change the EMM server name also as your new master serer name

    3)add media server name in new master server bp.conf

    4) recycle the media server netbackup once

    you should be able to configure the media server in new master server , and when ever you need to use the media server under old master server.. you need to change the emmserver entry in media server bp.conf and recyle the netbackup.

    CAUTION:- you need to make sure you are not using the same media(tapes) and Disk STU in new master server that you were using in old one... ( you should freeze them in new master)

  • does the media server has any Disk storage units..

    as i said earlier.. all your configurations stay in master.. so you dont loose anything.. unless you have diskstorage unit in media server with valid images...

  • As Ram has said, nothing is held on the media server. As long as nothing happens to the master, backups are safe. At a basic level, a media server is only a client with some intellegence. Back at NBU 5.1, the media DB was held on each media server, but at 6.x onwards, this was moved to the central EMM DB.