Forum Discussion

mantu2a's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

problems encountered during setup of shared memory (89)

Hi all,   We have many backupd failing for a media server and the erroe log is as  below : Jan 29, 2013 3:41:00 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=10127) Could not get shared memory for bpbrm child process ...
  • Andy_Welburn's avatar
    12 years ago

    We tried reruning the backups after making some changes in NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS value. We changed it to 16 from 32 , but still backups fail.

    Did you make the changes before or after the backups started to fail?

    If the former then change them back to the values they were that allowed the backups to complete successfully.

    The following may be of use regarding the values required for shared memory in a Solaris 10 media server:

    and possible reasons:

    Status 89 error comes from one or more of the following
    - Low shared memory limit (shmmax) 
    - Low shared memory identifiers (shmmni) to track all of the memory segments being used. 
    - Excessive NBU buffer sizes ( consuming resources to the limit of shmmni or shmmax ) 
    - Excessive number concurrent job streams ( consuming resources to the limit of shmmni or shmmax )