Forum Discussion

gbengaojekunle's avatar
11 years ago

push installion of netbackup client

hi i need to push install the netbackup client from linux master server to linux and windos host

  • You can install Linux client  from master server using install_client command. Unfortunately, there are no way to install Windows clients from non-Windows hosts.

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  • You can install Linux client  from master server using install_client command. Unfortunately, there are no way to install Windows clients from non-Windows hosts.

  • Please see steps to push-install Linux clients in NBU Installation Guide:

    Chapter 7: Installing NetBackup client software

    Read through About NetBackup client installation and then About remote installation methods for UNIX clients.

    For Windows Clients, you can start installation on one client and select multiple clients on the network.
    Please see the user (and other) requirements in same installation guide.

  • method for unix system only

    create a test policy with standard or MS-windows. add client name in it. only FQDN.

    Push binaries from master to client system sudo ./install_client_files sftp userid[must be root]

    it will show pushing binaries. log will be there on ur screen. at the end a path would be present e.g /tmp/client/2394872374

    then login to client server with root user and simply execute sudo ./tmp/client/2394872374  . then edit bp.conf and hosts file. ur good to go.