Forum Discussion

Mr_Fox_Foot's avatar
12 years ago

Daily Roles and Responsibility for a Netbackup Admin

Hello All,  Am new to Netbackup , Can some one help me to guide in below few topics,  1. What are the Daily Roles and Responsibility for a Netbackup Admin  (For All Tech- Levels). 2. I would li...
  • mph999's avatar
    12 years ago


    Here you are, everything you need to know to set up logs ...

    (Big thanks to Marianne who very kindly x2 checked this for me and gave her seal of approval.  It's not quite finished as I want to add a few words about volmgr/debug logs ...)

    Setting up logs in NetBackup
    For a given issue, it may be necessary to gather multiple logs.  This MUST cover the time the issue happens.
    If an aditional log is required, that has to be created, then ALL the logs must be supplied again.
    There are two types of logs in NetBackup.  Legacy logs and VX logs.
    1) Createing Legacy Logs
    2) Setting Verbose Level for Legacy Logs
    3) Collecting Legacy Logs
    4) Createing VX Logs and setting the log level
    5) Collecting VX logs
    1) Createing Legacy Logs
    These are created in either 
    <install path>\veritas\netbackup\logs
    <install path>\veritas\volmgr\debug
    For example to create bptm log, simply create a directory called the <process> name.
    mkdir /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm
    A newly created log will not log anything /detect a change of verbose level until the process is restarted.  For logs such as bptm, this will be when the next backup runs.  Other logs such as bprm and bpdm may require a restart of the NBU services.  I say 'may', if the process starts a child process, then this would write to a newly created log or pick up a verbose level change.
    2) Setting Verbose Level for Legacy Logs
    There are two ways this can be done :
    To increase the verbose level of all logs (except vault)
    Add the entry VERBOSE = <level> into /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf.  <level> is a value between 0 and 5, with 5 being the highest.
    On the server you are gathering the logs from, run the BAR GUI
    From the File menu, select Client Properties and in the pop-up window, goto the Troubleshooting tab.
    Set General to 2 and Verbose to 5
    3) Collecting Legacy Logs
    The log file is simply found in the <process> name directory.  There is one log per day.
    The name of the log file will be log.<date>
    If you are sending multiple log files in, they will all have the same name.  Please therefore rename the log files to :
    4) Createing VX Logs and setting the log level
    These are more complex, and have to be set with specific commands.  NOTE: Some of these logs, for example, 'mds' do NOT create a log file.  Instead the lines are entered in to other log files.  In the case of mds (143), it logs into EMM (111).
    The vxlogs cover various processes, for example, nbemm, nbrb, nbjm, nbrb, mds
    To set these up on either Unix or Windows, use this command :
    vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o <oid> -s DebugLevel=<1-6> -s DiagnosticLevel=<1-6>
    For example, to set the EMM and MDS logs to levels 6 and 6 use
    vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 111 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
    vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 143 -s DebugLevel=6 -s DiagnosticLevel=6
    To confirm the log level has been set, simply look in the nblog.conf file, which is located in the netbackup diorectory.
    5) Collecting VX Logs
    To collect the vx logs, use the nbcplogs command.  This copies the raw logs, which is the preference of Technical Support.
    NOTE:  The destination directory MUST be empty.
    nbcplogs --no-nbsu -d 2hrs --logs nbemm,nbjm /tmp/logs   (Ex.  Coleect the past 2 hrs of logs, RELATIVE, to when the command is run )
    nbcplogs --no-nbsu -s 07/11/2012-10:17:58 -e 07/11/2012-12:17:58 --logs nbjm,nbpem /tmp/logs (Collect the logs between two times -s <start> -e <end>  )
    In these examples, the nbpem and nbjm logs would be copied to /tmp/logs
    For details of using vxlogview please see TN: