Forum Discussion

H_Sharma's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago


Hello Experts, Need to know what is the use of the below command in windows and how its different from nbpemreq -predict nbpemreq -due Thanks,
  • RamNagalla's avatar
    10 years ago

    page number 569 in netbackup 7.5 command guide will help you understand the use and usage of nbpemreq command.

    Provides data about the clients or policies that are scheduled to run by the
    time specified. The data that is displayed is based on the current time and a
    future date. Time is indicated bymm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS or by a UNIX

    predict | -predict_all
    Helps determine when a policy is to be run. The displayed information is
    based on the current time and a future

    more info

    nbpemreq can only predict or show what is due according to "last backup" data.  At the completion of a schedule, NBPEM will perform the calculation to determine which schedule is next due to run.  This could include retrying a failed job to re-run the currently due schedule, if the job is able to be automatically retried.  Retry Delay and Schedule Backup Attempts are set in the Master Server's Host Properties > Global Attributes.

    nbpemreq -due -date mm/dd/yy can only return the next calculatedschedule.   It will not return the value of the schedule to be run on a specific day.  It will return the next schedule to run between now and the specified date to run.