Forum Discussion

Krishna_Sriniva's avatar
11 years ago

Reg File Server INCR backup taking too long to complete.

Hi ,


We have Linux Master server with Netbackup version and Media server (Netbackup appliance 5220 with ) .

Our windows file server (client version is taking too long for incr backups .


File server Size is 7 TB and for full backup its running at a speed of 67 mbps and is getting completed with in 30 hours .


But Incr backups are running at a speed of 1 mbps which is a drastic decrease in the speed and is taking too long to complete.


Can you suggest me on any changes need to be done to improve the performance of the same.

  • For what you are doing the Accelerator option would be the best bet - just tick the box on the attributes tab of the policy and then run a full backup to create the clients track log - the next full will be much quicker and it can also help with incrementals - though accelerator itself is not actually used during incremental backups so dont expect miracles using it (not for incremental backups anyway)

    Multiple streams really helps here

    Another vital matter is to check your exclude lists for the client

    If you have anything like *.tmp or *.mdf then they will substantially slow down the backups as it will need to read the entire file system for all matching wildcard files before it even starts the backup - so make sure you dont use them if possible

    Also make sure Anti Virus is setup to exclude all NetBackup processeds

    Finally - check the clients logging levels and reduce them all to zero (once you have finished any troubleshooting) or again they will slow things down

    Hope this helps

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