Forum Discussion

joe1871's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Restore Failes with error 2850, media position error 86??


I am running NBU on a single Master/Media Win2008 R2 server.  I am running NDMP backups of a NetApp Filer (OnTap 8.1).  When trying to restore to that filer, I get the following job log:

1/12/2015 5:51:11 PM - begin Restore
1/12/2015 5:51:11 PM - 1 images required
1/12/2015 5:51:11 PM - media 000018 required
1/12/2015 5:51:12 PM - restoring image he-3210a_1420612193
1/12/2015 5:51:12 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=2972) he-3210a is the host to restore to     
1/12/2015 5:51:12 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=2972) telling media manager to start restore on client    
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=5152) he-3210a is the host to restore to     
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=5152) start tar32 on client        
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - Info tar32(pid=2444) Restore started.          
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - connected
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - Info bptm(pid=2428) Waiting for mount of media id 000018 (copy 1) on server
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - started process bptm (2428)
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - mounting 000018
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - Info bptm(pid=2428) INF - Waiting for mount of media id 000018 on server for reading.
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - requesting resource 000018
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - granted resource 000018
1/12/2015 5:51:13 PM - granted resource 10WT001740
1/12/2015 5:52:16 PM - mounted; mount time: 00:01:03
1/12/2015 5:52:16 PM - Info bptm(pid=2428) 000018           
1/12/2015 5:52:16 PM - Info bptm(pid=2428) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id 000018 on server for reading.
1/12/2015 5:52:16 PM - positioning 000018 to file 68
1/12/2015 5:57:17 PM - Error bptm(pid=2428) io_ioctl_ndmp (MTFSF) failed on media id 000018, drive index 2, return code 18 (NDMP_XDR_DECODE_ERR) (bptm.c.6499)
1/12/2015 5:57:17 PM - Error ndmpagent(pid=2444) NDMP restore failed from path UNKNOWN      
1/12/2015 5:57:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=2972) child done, status 150        
1/12/2015 5:57:22 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=2972) sending message to media manager: STOP RESTORE he-3210a_1420612193    
1/12/2015 5:57:23 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=2972) got ERROR 86 from media manager      
1/12/2015 5:57:23 PM - restored image he-3210a_1420612193 - (media position error(86)); restore time 00:06:11
1/12/2015 5:57:28 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:06:17
Restore error(2850)

Running the troubleshooter against this tells me "an error occured".  While that is certainly good information, I wish it was a little more descriptive.

I would really appreciate some quick help with this issue, I am trying to restore some pretty important stuff.  Thanks in advance



  • Any clue in library logs? If medium error or so is recoreded, tape medium or DELL drive is suspicious.

    Mount operation have to be done on DELL, but positioning operation can be done from NetApp using mt command. Are you using Data ONTAP 7-mode or Clustered Data ONTAP? mt command exist on 7-mode.

    I'm not sure, but you may be able to run mt command on Clustered Data ONTAP using node shell(system node run ...).

    Try positioning as below:

    mt -f drive rewind

    mt -f drive fsf 68

    If you get error in positioning, NetBackup is mostly innocent in this case. Check logs in DELL and NetApp. if any error is logged, you may need to check if backup image is really alive in this tape.

7 Replies

  • If you are restoring from the tape drive which is directly attached to your filer, you should check logs on this filer(messages, ems, backup or so).

    it is more sufficient for problem isolation to mount this tape into the drive manually thru operator panel or remote administration module of tape library and position to file#69 by mt command on the filer, if you can.



  •  io_ioctl_ndmp (MTFSF) failed on media id 000018, drive index 2, return code 18 (NDMP_XDR_DECODE_ERR) (bptm.c.6499

    .. is a positioning error.  The actual positioning is carried out by the o/s / tape drivers - nothing to do with NBU.

  • Media position error on LTO mean a worn out tape drive. Deactive the tape drive and re-try the operation.

  • If more than one tape drive attached to Filer, check firmware version on all tape drives.

    I have seen status 86 when backup was done on tape drive with new firmware.
    Drive with older firmware gave status 86 when trying to position the media.

  • Hey Folks


    Thank you so much for the great replies.  We are using a Dell loader with two heads.  Both are the same firmware, and are relatively new.  I would not know how to position the tape from the loader interface, it does not have that capability.  It is pretty basic.  I do understand your point however - that this is a tape drive problem and not a NBU problem.  I will shut down one drive, try and force the restore to the other drive.  If that doesn't help, I will see what I can get out of Dell, although I am sure I will be stuck in no mans land with Dell claiming its a Symantec problem.  Not your issue however.  Thanks again.  Very much appreciate the help!

  • Any clue in library logs? If medium error or so is recoreded, tape medium or DELL drive is suspicious.

    Mount operation have to be done on DELL, but positioning operation can be done from NetApp using mt command. Are you using Data ONTAP 7-mode or Clustered Data ONTAP? mt command exist on 7-mode.

    I'm not sure, but you may be able to run mt command on Clustered Data ONTAP using node shell(system node run ...).

    Try positioning as below:

    mt -f drive rewind

    mt -f drive fsf 68

    If you get error in positioning, NetBackup is mostly innocent in this case. Check logs in DELL and NetApp. if any error is logged, you may need to check if backup image is really alive in this tape.