Forum Discussion

Hollycapri's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

Restore problem

Hello everybody,

Some days ago I changed my Standalone Autoloader to the new one IBM with Barcode reader. The problem is to restore the files. I performed the backup in a standalone tape called A00009 on the past, and now I don't know how I can restore from this tape.

The new robot work only with Barcode, so I tried to label the tape A00009 (handle label) with the new Barcode D00787. What I have to do now? The tape is inside the robot... how can I read her to do the restore?

Thank you in advance!



  • Hello again....

    I done the restore!

    I just done the follow steps:

    - Label the old tape (A00009) with Barcode (D00787), and insert it into robot and mannually I move to drive 1 (using robtest);

    - On Netbackup I deassigned tape drive 1 (Devices ==> Drives ==> Double click on Drive 1 and unselect "Drive is in a robotic library");

    - Start the restore....


    Thanks for everybody....


7 Replies

  • Have you tried Importing the D00787 media? This should read the header on the tape and make NetBackup aware of the contents.
  • Hello Levan...

    Yes, I have!

    I am receiving this message:


    "7/3/2008 10:48:56 AM - awaiting resource A00001 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.  Operator action may be required.  Pending Action: No action., Media ID: A00001, Barcode: --------, Density: hcart, Access Mode: Read, Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE, Volume Group: ---, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A"


    Whn trying to read from D00787

  • I would try putting the tape in the drive, either manually or using robtest, then look at the Activity monitor devices tab and see what shows up. You may then be able to import the tape.

  • Hollycapri wrote:

    ... so I tried to label the tape A00009 (handle label) with the new Barcode D00787. What I have to do now?


    I'd be somewhat concerned at this point. When you label a tape thru' the GUI you get a message:


    "WARNING: This action is irreversible and any data will be permanently lost from this media and no longer available for restore or import"


    so you may have lost the media on this tape.


    There are procedures for loading & importing un-barcoded tapes into a library, which involves reading the tape label on the tape itself using vmphyinv so NB knows what it is & where it is & if necessary a Phase1 & Phase2 import so as to allow for restores.


    There have been several recent postings on this:

  • Hello again....

    I done the restore!

    I just done the follow steps:

    - Label the old tape (A00009) with Barcode (D00787), and insert it into robot and mannually I move to drive 1 (using robtest);

    - On Netbackup I deassigned tape drive 1 (Devices ==> Drives ==> Double click on Drive 1 and unselect "Drive is in a robotic library");

    - Start the restore....


    Thanks for everybody....


  • why you change the label? you could name it A00009 also renaming the tape can put info in risk, good everything went fine.

