restore scenarios in DR
we need to verify or setup new DR for NBU environment.
for the main site we have NBU master server installed on windows 2012, the server is connected to a datadomain DD2500,
in DR we have a DD640 and physical server that is configured as a media server,
replication is done between the datadomain appliances,
is it possible to restore data in DR using the media server in DR and the data images present into the DD640, or any resotre job will call the data present into main site and send it to DR through LAN/WAN?
if that is not possible, can you help please in the best scnerio to perform successfull restore jobs in DR
Disaster recover means you have nothing left at production - no master server and no DD2500.
No restore is possible at DR without the master server that holds the catalog, even though you have the media server and the DD640.
In this scenario, you would first need to setup another master server at DR and recover the catalog.
If the catalog backup exists on the DD640, it will require extra work to recover from.Best solution would be to setup the DR media server as a Master and configure AIR replication.
With AIR, there is nothing to do in a real disaster. The DR master has the catalog info and images on the DD and can restore right away to clients at DR.