Forum Discussion

Eric_Engberg's avatar
10 years ago

Restores from ops center failing with status 2850

I'm having a weird issue with restores started from Ops Center that are failing on a fairly regular basis with status 2850.  If I do the restore from the Java Admin GUI it completes without issue.  Incase it matters the restore is to a different client than the source using a different media server to perform the restore.  It seems like it could possibly be related to file size as the file is always partially restored with the exact file size of '1924538880' or 1.8G.  I enabled logging for tar but it didn't provide any insight into why the restore is failing.  It just says tar failed to restore the file with no reason why and that tar actually exits with a status of 0.  The tar log entry for one of the problem restores is below.  The master server, ops center and all of the media servers and clients for this particular backup and restore are all version


10:26:54 (91496.001) INF - TAR STARTED 17874
10:26:54 (91496.001) **LOCALE ERROR** locale <en_US.iso88591> not found in file </usr/openv/msg/.conf>
10:26:54 (91496.001) Setting network receive buffer size to 32032 bytes
10:28:48 (91496.001) CKP - 91496.001 1409758128 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 /foobar/file
10:29:07 (91496.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
10:29:07 (91496.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
10:29:07 (91496.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES


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