Forum Discussion

lovethatcheese's avatar
12 years ago

Robot issue - cannot sense robotic device (202)

Hello. Having some issues with my tape drive (sun storagetek sl 48). Master is on Solaris 10, running NB Media server is on same box.

My attached tape drive has been throwing 2009 errors..after running a couple commands earlier, I rebooted my library through the Sun admin gui...ever since doing so, I can no longer connect to this robot through NB - get the error stated above.


The tape drive is ready and online. I restarted ltid (usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid), and still am having issues. This happened after running tpautoconf -t, tpautoconf -r, and scan -changer. Rebooted library (software).


So, what on earth did I do to my tape drive? Why can't NB see it anymore - I've rebooted the library on my other environemnt with no issues.

Per my /var/adm/messages:

olmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:15:04 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:07 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:09 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:12 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:15:14 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:15:15 nbolmasterback tldd[3159]: [ID 320639 daemon.error] TLD(0) unavailable: initialization failed: Unable to sense robotic device
Jan  8 19:15:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:17:17 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:17:19 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, initiator)
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.0554]emlxs1: NOTICE: 730: Link reset.
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 832037 daemon.error] scsi command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback tldcd[3163]: [ID 415613 daemon.error] TLD(0) mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0
Jan  8 19:17:21 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.02D7]emlxs1: NOTICE: 710: Link down.
Jan  8 19:17:24 nbolmasterback emlxs: [ID 349649] [ 5.04B4]emlxs1: NOTICE: 720: Link up. (4Gb, loop, init



tpautoconf and scan -changer no longer bring anything up, as the robot dissappeared. Per robtest:

ash-3.00# ./robtest
Configured robots with local control supporting test utilities:
  TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Robot Selection
  1)  TLD 0
  2)  none/quit
Enter choice: 1

Robot selected: TLD(0)   robotic path = /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Invoking robotic test utility:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tldtest -rn 0 -r /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1

Opening /dev/sg/c0tw500110a0008c72fal1
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
user command failed, may be timeout, scsi_pkt.us_reason = 3
mode_sense ioctl() failed: Error 0



anyone, please help?!?!




  • Try these steps:


    # cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all 

    Install the new sg driver configuration:

    # /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install

    Check/verify config:

    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan


    (I am aware that Martin's method is different, but this has always worked for me.)

17 Replies

  • also, as an fyi


    bash-3.00# ./sgscan
    #WARNING: detected StorEdge Network Foundation connected devices not in
    #         SG configuration file:
    #    Device World Wide Port Name 500110a0008c7300
    #    Device World Wide Port Name 500110a0008c72fa
    #    See /usr/openv/volmgr/NetBackup_DeviceConfig_Guide.txt chapter
    #    "Special configuration for "Sun StorEdge Network Foundation" HBA/Driver"
    #    for information on how to use and sg.install to
    #    configure these devices


    I think I may just be stuck in land of confusion.

  • Now that OS can see devices, follow steps again to rebuild sg driver.

    You need to follow steps in Emulex documentation to configure Persistent Binding to ensure that OS device names remain the same when server is rebooted.

  • Will probably need to delete the devices in nbu, readd with device wizard, then run an inventory to get the tapes back. Be sure to reapply any barcode and media generation rules. Best to check these before you delete. Other option is to use tpautoconf command to switch the robot path without deleting annything.
  • Will probably need to delete the devices in nbu, readd with device wizard, then run an inventory to get the tapes back. Be sure to reapply any barcode and media generation rules. Best to check these before you delete. Other option is to use tpautoconf command to switch the robot path without deleting annything.
  • Marianne,


    Just so I'm understanding things as I should...

     ls -l /dev/rmt/*cbn       
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          89 Jul 31  2008 /dev/rmt/0cbn -> ../../devices/pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@9/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c72fa,0:cbn
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          89 Jul 31  2008 /dev/rmt/1cbn -> ../../devices/pci@3,0/pci1022,7458@a/pci10df,fc12@1,1/fp@0,0/tape@w500110a0008c7300,0:cbN


    c8                                              fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
    c9                                             fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
    c9::500110a0008c72fa,0         tape         connected    configured   unknown
    c9::500110a0008c72fa,1          med-changer  connected    configured   unknown
    c10                                           fc           connected    unconfigured unknown
    c11                                            fc-private   connected    configured   unknown
    c11::500110a0008c7300,0        tape         connected    configured   unknown


    The addresses are the same, and LUNs are provided in output now. However, in trying to follow the above steps, the first command is stopping me..(either Martin or Yasuhisa's won't work now)

    bash-3.00# modunload -i `modinfo| awk '$6=="sg"{print $1}'`                  (yasuhisa's syntax)
    usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]

    bash-3.00# modunload -i $(echo $(modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'))      (martin's syntax)
    usage:  modunload -i <module_id> [-e <exec_file>]


    Also, Martin's tip of :

    modinfo |grep "sg (SCSA" |awk '{print $1}'

    does not return anything - so no driver is installed? . Am I really just copying this stuff wrong?


    I'm assuming that now that the OS is reporting tape / changer as being present, rebuilding would fix issue. What am I glossing over?


  • Try these steps:


    # cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all 

    Install the new sg driver configuration:

    # /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install

    Check/verify config:

    # /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan


    (I am aware that Martin's method is different, but this has always worked for me.)

  • Marianne (and Martin / Yasuhisa),


    I just wanted to say thanks for your wonderful help. The last tip got me all squared away, and I'm currently running duplication jobs. Hopefully you all know just how helpful you make this forum.

    Until I screw something up again,
