Forum Discussion

Amir_Tivoli's avatar
11 years ago

seeking real examples of changing schedule with bpplsched

I have this test schedule in place. What I'd like to do using any CLI command is change the Tuesday start window from 12:00 to 00:00. I've not seen any examples of how this is actually done. Man pages without examples are completely worthless, so there's no need to copy and paste useless documentation.

In the GUI, you can either directly edit a day or remove it and copy it from another. Examples of either would be useful.


/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpplsched test1 -L
Schedule:              Default-Application-Backup
  Type:                UBAK Obak (2)
  Frequency:           7 day(s) (604800 seconds)
  Retention Level:     3 (1 month)
  u-wind/o/d:          0 0
  Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:       0 MB
  PFI Recovery:        0
  Maximum MPX:         4
  Number Copies:       1
  Fail on Error:       0
  Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
  Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
  Schedule indexing:  0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  167:59:59   000:00:00  167:59:59
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    023:59:59  024:00:00   167:59:59  168:00:00
Schedule:              Full
  Type:                FULL SObk (0)
  Frequency:           1 day(s) (86400 seconds)
  Retention Level:     0 (1 week)
  u-wind/o/d:          0 0
  Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:       0 MB
  PFI Recovery:        0
  Maximum MPX:         4
  Number Copies:       1
  Fail on Error:       0
  Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
  Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
  Schedule indexing:  0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  008:00:00   000:00:00  008:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  008:00:00   024:00:00  032:00:00
   Tuesday     012:00:00  017:55:00   060:00:00  065:55:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  008:00:00   072:00:00  080:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  008:00:00   096:00:00  104:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  008:00:00   120:00:00  128:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  008:00:00   144:00:00  152:00:00
  • I usually like to use CLI but this is one case where the GUI is easier. 


    use the bpplschedrep command to modify a schedule via CLI

    you have to calculate start time and duration in seconds


    example from the admin guide:

    bpplschedrep newpolicy full -0 79200 7200 -6 79200 7200


       -0 means start on Sunday (-1 would be Monday, and so on)

        79200 / 3600 = 22 = 10PM  (3600 seconds in an hour)

        7200 / 3600 = 2 (hours)

       -6 means stop on Saturday


    so to put that in plain language, the command modifies Schedule full in Policy newpolicy to span

    Sunday 10PM - midnite through Saturday 10PM - midnite


    bpplsched newpolicy -U   (-L output looks messy and I advise not to use that switch)

      shows the modifed schedule



    now for your particular case, this should do it

    bpplschedrep test1 Default-Application-Backup -2 43200 43200

     modifies Tuesday start at noon (12 * 3600) for twelve hours (12 * 3600) backup window


    Whew!  That was fun smiley

    So much easier in the GUI 

4 Replies

  • I usually like to use CLI but this is one case where the GUI is easier. 


    use the bpplschedrep command to modify a schedule via CLI

    you have to calculate start time and duration in seconds


    example from the admin guide:

    bpplschedrep newpolicy full -0 79200 7200 -6 79200 7200


       -0 means start on Sunday (-1 would be Monday, and so on)

        79200 / 3600 = 22 = 10PM  (3600 seconds in an hour)

        7200 / 3600 = 2 (hours)

       -6 means stop on Saturday


    so to put that in plain language, the command modifies Schedule full in Policy newpolicy to span

    Sunday 10PM - midnite through Saturday 10PM - midnite


    bpplsched newpolicy -U   (-L output looks messy and I advise not to use that switch)

      shows the modifed schedule



    now for your particular case, this should do it

    bpplschedrep test1 Default-Application-Backup -2 43200 43200

     modifies Tuesday start at noon (12 * 3600) for twelve hours (12 * 3600) backup window


    Whew!  That was fun smiley

    So much easier in the GUI 

  • Amir, did you get a chance to try this out? 

    bpplschedrep test1 Default-Application-Backup -2 43200 43200


  • Very good wr ... ;0) Now try setting up an SLP from the command line ...