Segregating Replicated Data to Different Tapes
I am setting up an environment where I am replicating data from a primary site to a secondary site. The data is being replicated using AIR to a MSDP. Once the data is replicated to the secondary site, I need to duplicate the data to tape. My question is, is it possible to segregate the replicated data by client so that I may direct the backups into tapes with different retention periods? Or am I stuck using 1 SLP to direct it to the same tape pool?
I am using NetBackup and Server 2008R2.
As you are using AIR you really need to use Lifecycles all round
As you have different requirements on the secondary site you need to satisfy those on the promary site for it all to work the way you want it to.
So as an example suppose you class you clients according to your retention requirements at DR
On the primary you would need to create several SLPs:
Where SR, MR and LR stand for Short Retention, Medium, Long etc. - not forgetting to do the same for Weekly, Monthly, Annual etc.
Then you need to backup your classified clients using the appropriate SLP - and these can all have the same primary site retentions so in effect they are actually identical but if you wish the target retentions can be different so you can decide how long each class of clients data is held on disk
Create the same on the second site but this time they all have the Import phase which takes on the target retention from the primary site (which can be classed as covered above) but each can now have different retentions when you add the duplication stage
All a bit complex but if you want to do it in that way it has to start on the primary site in order to be usable on the second site
Hope this helps