Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • Have you ensured forward and reverse lookup between server and client? (Using DNS or hosts file) Client needs to resolve the IP address in server's connection request to a hostname. Then it compares the resolved name with SERVER entries (bp.conf in Unix/Linux , registry in Windows). Resolved name must match Server name exactly. (E.g. Master != master != master.fqdn). Please create bpcd log folder on client under netbackup/logs, do bptestbpcd again, then post client's bpcd log here. Also tell us which OS on server and client.
  • Had exactly this issue today, and as per Marianne above it was down to resolution.

    I ran the bpclntcmd -hn with success from both Media -> client and Client -> Media, bt the bpclntcmd -ip failed both ways.  I therefore suspected a DNS resolution issue, and the 'quick' way out with no access to the DNS server was to add a host file entry at both ends (I then ran a bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache to be sure and clear out any lingering resolution items) and this sorted the the issue.

    Hope this helps.


  • also confirm firewalls are off or exceptions for ports have been made ( 13782 , 13724 etc )

  • If it is a Windows client, you might want to tweak:


    Here you would find a key called "Server" just double click and add the hostname of your master server.

  • Hello,

    the Media Server entry was missing in the Config file

    and Netbackup client Services was stoped

    updated the same..

    and it worked..
