Forum Discussion

Nils_K__Sch_yen's avatar
12 years ago

Sharepoint GRT Backup FTL - snapshot preparation failed

moved from this thread to own discussion:   I'm faci...
  • Mark_Solutions's avatar
    12 years ago

    So the SharePoint Server looks ok but everything on the SQL Server comes back as :

    8:32:34.850 AM: [17348.6992] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: ERR - bedsSharePointV2InitRemote():DLE_FindByName() for 'Microsoft SharePoint Resources' Failed! (0xE00084AF:The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.

    This does imply a possible rights issue still.

    Can we double check a few requirements:

    .Net3.5 installed on the SharePoint Serves

    The NetBackup Client Service and NetBackup Legacy Network Service on all servers are set to use the SharePoint admin Account (system account for SP 2008 or AharePoint Administrator for SP2003) - and that account is also a member of local administrators group.

    Note also that when using GRT that some Farm Databases (Configuration database, Single Sign-on, Index Files, Index Database, Global Settings) cannot be backed up in a GRT backup and must be backed up in a seperate non GRT policy

    Hope this helps