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g_lgt's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

SLP Retention Question for AIR with Data Domains

Hi Folks,

I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have two NetBackup 7.6 Domains with two Data Domains, where the one in DR is much smaller in capacity. The goal for AIR replication is to have the DR unit limited to only 2 weeks retention, while the primary DD supposed to keep Full Backups up to 6 month and Diffs for 1 month. My experience is mostly around Backup Policies and Schedules. But I am confused with SLP, since it has its own retention parameter and the master server in DR SLP enforces “target retention”, which seems not customizable from the source? Or am I missing something here? What would be the best way to achieve the above stated replication retentions? Thanks a lot in advance, as I already read bunch of guides from Symantec and EMC and searched the net but can’t find logical and clear example...

  • You need to create 2 SLP on source

    Daily_Diff -> Create Backup rule with retention of 1 Month
    Create replication rule with retention of 2 weeks

    Weekly_Full -> Create Backup rule with retention of 6 Months
    Create replication rule with retention of 2 weeks

    Look at the attach diagram.

    On the DR site you have to create just the import rule in SLP with 2 weeks and that is it.

    Please make sure to read the SLP docs to setup if any confusion.

    Also look at the example section of this TN it might help you.


4 Replies

  • You need to create 2 SLP on source

    Daily_Diff -> Create Backup rule with retention of 1 Month
    Create replication rule with retention of 2 weeks

    Weekly_Full -> Create Backup rule with retention of 6 Months
    Create replication rule with retention of 2 weeks

    Look at the attach diagram.

    On the DR site you have to create just the import rule in SLP with 2 weeks and that is it.

    Please make sure to read the SLP docs to setup if any confusion.

    Also look at the example section of this TN it might help you.


  • Thanks Sazz. That make sense, but the follow up question, if you don't mind, where in the backup policy I can separate Full from Diffs for the different SLPs? Under attributes of the schedule - retention says "Determined by SLP", but under Attributes of the Policy I am sending it to the Full_SLP... So do I use override policy storage selection under Diff schedule? it seems the only logical way except to create another backup policy, but as far as I know, policy on its own can't have only diffs/incs schedules, always must have starting full...Thanks again.

  • Don't select the SLP in attributes as override policy storage selection will take precedence. You can have multiple schedule in same policy depending uopon your requirement.

    In the schedule make 2 schedule one for full and one for Diff, open the schedule for full and select override policy storage selection and select the SLP. Do the same thing for differential as well.

    The moment you select SLP everything else in schedule will be grayed out as it will take the retention of what is defined in SLP.