Forum Discussion

Planters's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

socket read failed, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (10054)

Hi All,

I am running with NetBackup version in winodws environment.

Cluster backup is getting failed continuously since sep-23rd, backups were successfully completed till Sep-22nd. However the backups are successfully completing when we give the physical node. Below mentioned is the error message.

9/23/2014 8:21:51 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=2264) socket read failed, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)
9/23/2014 8:21:59 PM - end writing
9/23/2014 8:22:00 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=0) done. status: 13: file read failed      
file read failed(13)

This is the problem...

I have tried increasing the client read and file browse time out to 900 but no luck.

If some one faced similar issue, kindly advise how it got resovled.

Please let me know if any more informations required.


  • this issue resolved after upgrading the netbackup from to

8 Replies

  • 10054 is a winsock error. The remote host is your cluster node. For some reason the node is dropping out during the backup. Increasing the timeout is good, but to get the full picture, review the bpbkar log.

    Also what version of NetBackup and what OS is the servers?

    If windows 2003 check to make sure TCP chimney offload is disabled.

  • NetBackup

    OS: 2003 datacenter edition

    TCP chimney offload is disabled.

    If TCP chimney issue is causing the backup error, then the node backup also should fail i believe. I think something else is the problem.

  • You will need to check logs.
    bptm and bpbrm on media server
    bpcd and bpbkar on client.

  • this issue resolved after upgrading the netbackup from to

  • Update is good but not likely the true fix.  Perhaps a reboot or some other change fixed the network problem.