Forum Discussion

Jason_James's avatar
15 years ago

Socket Write Failed on RHEL 5 Client

I've been troubleshooting the backup errors on a RHEL 5 client for a bit, and am receiving an error 24, socket write error.  Initially, we were receiving a status 57 error, but remedied that by installing xinetd and starting the service, then reinstalling the NBU client software.  All the services that need to run such as xinetd, bpcd, and bpjava-msvc are running, and don't really know where to go from there.  Everything that I've done was immediately following the initial install, it has never worked, however, with the same configuation on my workstation (ip tables are correct as well) everything works fine. 
ps -ef | grep xinetd
root      3246     1  0 Mar18 ?        00:00:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/

and all xinetd based services that are necessary show as on from a chkconfig --list

At this point after checking iptables, checking the running processes, and ensuring that the services are turned on, I don't know where to look next, so any help would be appreciated.

  • Take a look at this TechNote and see if it helps.