Steps to configure a client
i want to configure a client at netbackup level. Please correct if i am wrong.
for Unix client
1)install the OS
2)we can ask network team to provide an IP and regestering the client in DNS server. Once regerstation done will get the FQDN to our system.
3)we will install netbackup client server software in the machine, it will ask licence key, master, media server names while installing and once installation done
4)we need to add client entries in master server bp.conf , etc/host file.
5)now will chek for the connectivity using ping, telnet and nslookup commands, Once the connectivity is fine will configure the server as netbackup client.
For windows client.
1)install the OS
2)we can ask network team to provide an IP and regestering the client in DNS server. Once regerstation done will get the FQDN to our system.
3)we will install netbackup client server software in the machine, it will ask licence key, master, media server names while installing and once installation done
4)Need to add master, media server entries in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config\Server
5)now will chek for the connectivity using ping, telnet and nslookup commands, Once the connectivity is fine will configure the server as netbackup client.
EXPERTS... Please let me know if i am wrong/missed anything at any where or if am correct please give me some more detailed text.
1, 2 & 3 - Agree with Nagalla
4)we need to add client entries in master server bp.conf ,
Only master's OWN hostname must be CLIENT_NAME in master's bp.conf.
Client is added to Master when you add a policy.etc/hosts file.
YES - If Client and server are NOT on DNS.
- Check/confirm forward and reverse name lookup between client and master and media server(s),
- Install Client software,
- add SERVER entries for Master and Media server(s),
- If there is a firewall, ensure ports are open as per If Windows or Linux client, ensure OS firewall is turned off.
- Create policy for client.