Forum Discussion

_17's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Symantec NetBackup Client - Edition(Standard/Enterprise)


Please let me know any registry key or file(may be file content) that determines the edition info for Symantec Netbackup Client after installation.

I am here specific only to registry or any file as i said.

This will mean lot to me if someone can share this info.

Thankz in advance!

  • As mentioned several times here, there are no 'Enterpise Client' software. 'Enterpise Client' is just license model. If you install NetBackup media server using 'Enterpise Client' license key, this server become SAN media server which is limited version of media server. For use of other features(not SAN media server) included in 'Enterpise Client' model, just register 'Enterpise Client' license key in master server, and install client software on appropriate hosts regarding your needs.

24 Replies

  • @enigma...

    Please note that we have to give the license key when you install a Master or Media or SAN Media server. In all the above cases a license is stored locally on that particular server. When you install a Client it won't ask for the License.

    So to answer your question,

    Enterprise Client can be installed without SAN Media Server? 

    No. While installing the client software, license key is not entered so it will be a Standard Client for Netbackup.

    SAN Media Server is manadatory for installation of Enterprise Client?

    Yes. In Practical, Enterprise Client License is used for installing SAN Media Server.


    I haven't tried installing license key locally for a client so I don't know exactly will that work in theory. If you install license also, it won't have any advantage over standard client as far as I know.

    I hope this clarify your doubt.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Tarun Konduri.




  • Ok Mark!

    I was just wondering about ,

    What is the content within the License file i.e. license.txt ? can i have a look if possible please??

    I appreciate your support!


  • Hey Tarun!

    Thankzz buddy!!

    Can you give me the registry or any file that determines the presence of SAN Media Server?



  • SAN media server can be determined by license key. If the media server is installed with 'Enterprise Client' license key, this host is SAN media server. You can determine your server license key as below. --- Enterprise Client license key has following features in single key. Check features using "bpminlicense -list_keys -verbose". * contains "Base NetBackup" feature(Server license also have) * contains "Snapshot Client"(Server license does not have)