Forum Discussion

dengqiang's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

The driver status of "tpconfog -l" is DISABLED

[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive                Device     Second
Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name                 Path       Device Path
robot      0    -    TLD    -       -  -          -                    idc-nbu
  drive    -    0 hcart2    2      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.001  /dev/nst5
  drive    -    1 hcart2    6  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.005  /dev/nst0
  drive    -    3 hcart2    5      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.004  /dev/nst3
  drive    -    5 hcart2    7  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.006  /dev/nst1
  drive    -    6 hcart2    8  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.007  /dev/nst2

what is the DISABLED status stands for?
How can I UP this driver?

I have tried the following steps end with failed:

[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./vmoprcmd  -up 1
Invalid Drive Number
[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./vmoprcmd  -down 1
Invalid Drive Number
[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./vmoprcmd  -upbyname IBM.ULT3580-TD5.005
Unknown drive name
[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./vmoprcmd -downbyname IBM.ULT3580-TD5.005
Unknown drive name
[root@dwghdb1 bin]# ./tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive                Device     Second
Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name                 Path       Device Path
robot      0    -    TLD    -       -  -          -                    idc-nbu
  drive    -    0 hcart2    2      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.001  /dev/nst5
  drive    -    1 hcart2    6  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.005  /dev/nst0
  drive    -    3 hcart2    5      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.004  /dev/nst3
  drive    -    5 hcart2    7  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.006  /dev/nst1
  drive    -    6 hcart2    8  DISABL  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD5.007  /dev/nst2

  • Use tpconfig -update -drive options with

    -drstatus UP|DOWN|DISABLED

              Sets the initial status of the tape drive  to  the
              UP,  DOWN,  or  DISABLED  state.  Discovered drive
              paths are enabled (UP) by default. An  administra-
              tor or operator can disable or configure the drive
              path up/down.  The  user  can  also  perform  this
              action  with options in the Device Management win-
    A drive status of DISABLED  means  NetBackup
              stores  the path but never to use it. In addition,
              if  subsequent  discoveries  of  this  drive  path
              occur, NetBackup does not configure it for use.

    Altho' it does beggar the question as to "why" they have been disabled in the first place?

    An old T/N:

  • Use tpconfig -update -drive options with

    -drstatus UP|DOWN|DISABLED

              Sets the initial status of the tape drive  to  the
              UP,  DOWN,  or  DISABLED  state.  Discovered drive
              paths are enabled (UP) by default. An  administra-
              tor or operator can disable or configure the drive
              path up/down.  The  user  can  also  perform  this
              action  with options in the Device Management win-
    A drive status of DISABLED  means  NetBackup
              stores  the path but never to use it. In addition,
              if  subsequent  discoveries  of  this  drive  path
              occur, NetBackup does not configure it for use.

    Altho' it does beggar the question as to "why" they have been disabled in the first place?

    An old T/N:

  • Please check /var/log/messages for errors.

    It seems to me that the OS has lost connectivity to these drives.
    Verify OS connectivity with these commands:

    cat /proc/scsi/scsi
