5 years agoLevel 3
Too many /.SeCuRiTy.xxxxxx files
We have Veritas NetBackup 7.7.3 on Solaris 10.
When trying to restore a directory containing millions of files, NetBackup creates extra millions of /.SeCuRiTy.<num> files (as many as the restored files) in the root directory, they are very small files containing just file attributes of the restored files, and they seems to be used by NetBackup to change file attributes after restore.
- 1st, I think this method not so pretty. Why didn't NetBackup just store these file attibutes in one single file?
- 2nd, with these millions of small files I got my root directory saturated in inodes, even it still have gigabytes of free space, so no more /.SeCuRiTy.<num> files could be created anymore, and I wonder if this issue has any impact on my restore (e.g.: some files may have wrong attributes).
- 3rd, is there any way we can configure NetBackup to store these /.SeCuRiTy.<num> files in other partition? Or can we just disable the creation of these files?
Thanks in advance