Forum Discussion

Nickyxx9's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Using bpduplicate to create copy 2 with shorter retention time than primary copy


Our primary backups are stored in Puredisk on their local datacentre. We have a scheduled bpduplicate job that runs each night to create an offsite Copy 2 for each backup image in a Puredisk storage pool at an alternate datacentre.  Retention on all images, copy 1 and copy 2, has been 1 month up until now.

However, we're a bit tight on space so I want to change the retention of the second copy for each image to be 1 week only.  I can see that this should be achievable with the "-rl" switch and have read the command manual, which gives the syntax as:

-rl <retention_level> [,<rl-copy2>,....,<rl-copyn>]

...but I can't seem to translate that into a command that does what I want.

If I supply something like this:

bpduplicate -dstunit DC2-PD-STU -policy DC1-AD -hoursago 24 -rl 0
That changes the retention level on both copy 2 and the primary copy to one week.

I've also tried:

bpduplicate -dstunit DC2-PD-STU -policy DC1-AD -hoursago 24 -rl 3,0 
That just gives me "invalid command usage".

Does anyone have a working example of this switch in use?

Thanks in advance (and sorry if I'm missing something really obvious!)
  • Hi Twinkle and thanks for the suggestion - the -cn switch didn't work as you thought it might though.  Running the command that way seemed to look for a copy 2 to duplicate - it gave the output:
    02:00:06 INF - Skipping copy 1 of backup id r0107g_1243371686, is not required copy 2.

    I've worked around this by allowing the bpduplicate command to run without any change to the retention period, and then using bepexpdate to recalculate the copy 2 retentions:

    -recalculate -copy 2 -policy DC1-AD -ret 0 -force

3 Replies

  • Hi Twinkle and thanks for the suggestion - the -cn switch didn't work as you thought it might though.  Running the command that way seemed to look for a copy 2 to duplicate - it gave the output:
    02:00:06 INF - Skipping copy 1 of backup id r0107g_1243371686, is not required copy 2.

    I've worked around this by allowing the bpduplicate command to run without any change to the retention period, and then using bepexpdate to recalculate the copy 2 retentions:

    -recalculate -copy 2 -policy DC1-AD -ret 0 -force